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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I like writing impressive poems. Where can i prove my talent?

Question: I like writing impressive poems!. Where can i prove my talent!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, I would avoid poetry!.com They have been proven to be nothng more than scammers - every entry "wins" and they make their money by selling you their books!.

Start at your local library to see if there is a writer's group in your area!. A group is a great place to get feedback, meet other writer's, and learn new techniques!.

Visit your local book stores to see if there are any local writer's that you could contact!. Many writer's welcome the chance to help aspiring writer's!. Although, don't be put off if you are not received warmly!.

There are many online groups, but beware as many of them have been taken over by spam!. Look for one in your genre, and that has active, recent post by the members!.

If finances permit, research writer's workshops, camps, etc!. and try to attend!. Often, well known writer's are a part of them, which may give you some exposure to "those in the know", along with putting you in the company of other writer's!.

Submit your poems to magazines, local news papers, and regional magazines according to their submission standards!. Always include a SASE!. Be professional!.

Most of all, Keep writing!

Hope this gets you started!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Creative writing classes or poetry critique groups!.

Discussion about feedback on craft is crucial to getting better, more communicative, expressive!.

Taking criticism from others and discussing your rationale is the only way to get better!.

You can work in a vacuum too, but over the long haul won't help you as much as critique!.

You make decisions when writing and if you can discuss those with someone else, they will give you feedback so when you are writing, you will rationalize the decisions clearer in your head, as well as consider feedback you've gotten from others along the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

StoryMash might be for you!. It's normally collaborative fiction, but also accepts poetry!. Better, it's collaborative poetry, and it even pays!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try http://www!.mywriterscircle!.com/ they welcome all newcomers!. There are numerous forums to suit all writers and provide valuable critique and feedback!.

Anthony James BarnettWww@QuestionHome@Com

At chapteread!.com, it's a free writing site I joined!. They have awesome writing tools! It's worth checking out and good luck!! I can't wait to read your stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


