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Question: Favourite Harry Potter Books!?
Just wondering!. I'm seriously bored!. So will you please rate them starting with your favourite to the least favourite and if you feel like it, explain why!. But if you don't feel like it, whatever!.!.!.I'm like that sometimes too!. Just to let you know, my favourites are

Deathly Hallows - It explained everything and most mysteries were solved

Goblet of Fire - Triwizard Tournament was cool although Cedric's death really got to me for some reason

Half-Blood Prince - Harry and Ginny relationship! And I liked the Ron and Lavender thing because it became so clear how Ron and Hermione felt! But I hated Slughorn!.!.!.and Dumbledore dying shocked me but it was needed!.

Chamber of Secrets -I used to not like it that much but now I think it's very good and an extremely good sequel

Star this question, come back, and wait for additional details!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have to admit that the seventh book bored me for a while and angerd me!. I love the action and the detail!. All the deaths I wasn't fond of!. I mean come on, Hedwig!?!! Jeez!.!.!. It really gives us a sense of finality too!. Leaving room for something more if she feels like it, but also not because she explains who's with who at the end!. I was mad because Harry and Ginny didn't name one of their son's after her dead brother, but whatever, I'm over that!. The third is by far my most favorite!. It really gets into why Harry is Harry!. I love the prospect of him actually having a family with Sirius!. It leaves us with a sense of hope for Harry!. The fifth book angered me a lot!. His attitude was really nasty throughout the whole book, but I spose its supposed to reflect Voldemort's emotions connected with Harry!. But he's really kinda mean!. The fourth excited me because it was the first really long book I read!. It was full of detail and excitment!. One was great because it got me hooked into the series!. I started reading after book three was published and I read straight through and didn't want to put them down!. So numero uno has more sentimental value for getting me into the books!. Ok so thats; 7,3,5,4,1!. Two and Six!.!.!.Two made him seem more like a hero at the end of the book!. He saved the Sorcer's Stone in the first one, yes, but he saved Ginny and fought the Snake even though he knew he was up against a gigantic monster!. The first he didn't really know what he was up against!. And the sixth one, well!.!.!.Dumbledore dying surprised me!. But I appreciated the fact that he allowed Harry to go along with him, when after all Harry has been through actually fighting Voldemort himself, Dumbledore think's he can handle the risk being taken!. But like in the fifth one, his attitude really threw me off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

scorcers stone-great, amazing first book
chamber of secrets- not as great but still amazing
prisoner of azkaban- wonderful twist i love the time turner idea!
gobblet of fire- wonderful love the distinct characteristics of each task
order of the pheonix-loved it so much(wish the movie was more detailled)
half-blood prince- amazingly intense
deathly hallows- i was always on the edge of my seat, great sense of intensitiy and wonderfull creativityWww@QuestionHome@Com

I liked Quidditch Through The Ages!. :) Very interesting read!.

But out of the actual series, my favorite book was Prisoner of Azkaban!. Definitely my favorite Potter book, however it was my least favorite movie thusfar!. I found it to be disappointing on many levels; ie: inaccuracies in the movie compared to the book, the entire Maurader's Map origins being left out, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All were fantastic! And the best part your don't have to wait like I dead to get the rest of the story!. I think that 1-6 all start out slow and near the end the action starts to pick up and I can't put the book down!. But 7 was action, action, action! Read it just about straight through, but wish more would have been added!. have fun reading them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm just going to rate my top four:
Order of the Pheonix - #1 and I've read it like 10 x
Half Blood Prince
The Deathly Hollows
Goblet of Fire
then the rest are all pretty much on the same level on my hp rating scale!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Half Blood Prince
Prisoner of Azkaban
Deathly Hallows
Order of The Phoenix
Goblet of Fire
Chamber of Secrets
Sorcerers StoneWww@QuestionHome@Com

all of the harry potter books are my favorite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like them allWww@QuestionHome@Com

I liked all of them on different levels!.

PS/SS-Cause it introduced us to Harry and a different world!.

CoS-I liked Dobby and the forshadowing!.

PoA-We gained some insight on James, Lily & the Marauders!. Harry has a tie to his parents life!.

GoF-I liked the TriWizrd Torney, though it was terrible what happened to Cedric!. And Hogwarts wasn't as 'safe' as they thought!.

OoTP-I hated Umbridge, and I loved the way the twins got her back!. Got to see a darker side of the twins!. DD's duel with Voldy at the DOM

HBP-Draco's moment of weakness!. the lessons about Tom Riddle

DH-I hated that so many of the order members died while all the Malfoys lived!. DD's secret life!. Snape's memories!.

and that's just off the top of my headWww@QuestionHome@Com

Half-Blood Prince-- lots of things got explained and Malfoy got what was coming to him!. Plus, I loved finding out about Voldemort's ancestors and childhood!.

Goblet of Fire-- Triwizard Tournament was really cool, and I liked seeing Ron jealous of Hermione!.

Deathly Hollows-- I love a happy ending, especially when it ties up all the loose ends!. But still, a little hokey at the end!.

Order of the Pheonix-- It had more conflict than the first few, but I hated Umbridge!. She ruined that book for me!. Grrr!.!.!.!.

Prisoner of Azkaban-- I liked finding out about Sirius, and the werewolf was pretty darn cool!. But it's a little!.!.!.!.!.boring!. Just a little!.

Chamber of Secrets-- I'm kind of indifferent to this one!. The diary thing was pretty cool, but there weren't any internal conflicts, which made the book less interesting to me!.

Sorcerer's Stone-- After reading the others, the first one seems really childish!. I mean, it was written for eleven-year-olds, and I'm not eleven anymore so I don't like the book as much anymore!.

There you go!. Those are my favorites from best to worst!. They're all great, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Prisoner - best constructed story, plot and subplots intertwined tightly, suspense builds throughout until the pell-mell ending is reached, and the ending wraps everything up neatly!.
2) Deathly - doesn't have the great construction of Prisoner, but a very interesting story anyway!.
3) Half-blood - loved the "mystery" of who the Prince was, even though there was no chance that the reader would guess it (not enough clues, too many red herrings)!. Liked the idea of Snape being a true genius of magic (unlike Hermione, unfortunately, who is just a hard worker whose magical accomplishments don't even approach Snape's)
4) Order - the duel between Dumbly and Voldy, plus the whole battle in the Department of Mysteries!. The down side - I was inexcusably and irrationally angry with my friends!. I blame it on Voldy being in my head!. also, two of my favorite characters, Luna and Tonks!.
5) Chamber - Slightly better written than Sorcerer's, I only felt slightly vision-impaired when reading this!.
6) Sorcerer's - serious illustrative deficiency!. I felt I was walking around Hogwarts without my glasses on!.
7) Goblet - Annoying use of Bart Jr!. as the culprit even though we had been informed that he was dead!. Would have much preferred an opportunity to guess (better yet, to logically deduce) the identity of the villain!. Story sort of a let-down after the excellence of Prisoner!. Ends muddily - everything left hanging!. Cedric, the most noble-seeming character in the series, gets whacked!. Still, if this is as bad as it gets, Rowling is a pretty good writer!.


DH- I liked leaning the history of Dumbledore and his family!. Finally find out why he trusted Snape was the best part!. It gave so much information that we didn't know!. So it's lack of dramatic scenes was not missed!.

POA- The idea of Harry and Sirius having a normal life together, how ever brief in may be!. Harry learning about his parents through there friends makes us feel all warm and cuddle inside!.

SS-The book that started it all!. It inwraped us in a world we never knew existed!. I would have never thought that this little book would change so many lives!.

HBP- The death of Dumbledore shook the world, magical and muggle!.


If I listed all the reasons we'd be here all day so I shortened it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chamber of Secrets- I think this book is my favourite since I read it when I was pretty young and my sisters and I actually acted out the scenes in the Chamber, which was pretty fun!.

Goblet of Fire- It was pretty different from the other books and I liked that you got to meet characters from different schools!.

Order of the Phoenix- I really liked meeting Luna and having Harry made out to be crazy and a liar, and having to prove he isn't!. also, the scenes in the Department of Mysteries were pretty awesome!. (Although this is my least favourite movie so far, I just thought it was poorly done)

Sorcerer's Stone- It was simple but in a good way!. I thought it was a very nice starting book and really helped you enter the wizarding world, so to speak!.

Half-Blood Prince- I thought this was one of the most intense books!. It was pretty cool that Dumbledore had a bigger part and all the secrets in it was pretty rocking,

Prisoner of Azkaban- I loved the Marauder's Map and the fact that Harry finally finds some family that loves him!. also, Buckbeak was pretty awesome but it wasn't that memorable to me, though!.

Deathly Hallows- I was really disappointed with this book!. It summed things up too quickly and gave you way too much information all at once, without allowing the reader to actually be able to absorb what they're reading!. Although the last battle or whatever it was called, was pretty sick!. I just really don't see why half of the main characters had to die!.

Yeah, this list is probably subject to change depending on my mood and whatnot!.
And I'm not entirely sure if I even agree with the order now, right after I typed it up!. I liked Deathly Hallows but it didn't live up to what I hoped it would be!. I liked all the books but at the same time, there's something for all of them that I really dislike!. Y'know!? It's like a love/hate thing going on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love all the Harry Potter books, but I'll do my best to choose:

1!. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - This is definitely my favorite book for sure!. It explained everything and is so intriguing is a great ending to a wonderful series of books!. This book was so well written; it was like you were in the book!.

2!. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - I loved this book because it was a bit scary in the end, but that is what made it so real!. Dumbledore's death definitely shocked me, but like you said, it was needed!. I think this book showed how really serious the situation with Voldemort was becoming!.

3!. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - I loved the time travel feature in this book!. It just made the book all the more interesting!. The dementors did freak me out!. However, it gave the book a more real and scary sense!.

4!. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - This was, of course, the book in which Harry finds out that he is a wizard!. He is brought to Diagon Alley, and experiences the most experience in his life!. It was just so amazing!. I think that this book was the first "real" chapter book I read!. It was just so amazing to read about a young boy that really, really deserves to be a wizard!. I love the detail and the way it was written!.

5!. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - This book was wonderful but it was sort of long!. It was so sad in the ending, how Harry spent so little time with Sirius!. But, it was interesting how Harry first really realizes that he needs to help the wizarding world!.

6!. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - This book was great, however, it was a bit scary to me!. It was very intriguing, trying to put things together in the end, and how Hermione was able to figure everything out!.

7!. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - This book was okay, but it was awfully long!. Too long, I think!. I felt like it would never end!. Although, the begining was interesting, I began to loose interest in it towards the end!.

This series of books is awesome!.
It is and shall remain my favourite series of books forever!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Deathly Hallows- Really cool, dark and dramatic!. The only thing I didn't like was the epilogue, where everyone ended up with someone!. Very fan-ficy!.

Goblet of Fire- This is an example of the perfect Harry Potter novel!. It has the right amount of wit and humour coupled with a dark ending!.

Order of the Phoenix- Not as good as its predecessor, but still great!. also introduced Tonks, who is my absolute favourite character!.

Half-Blood Prince- This was pretty good too, but I didn't like how opened up so many more questions without really solving anything!. Was Snape good or evil!? What are the other Horcruxes!?

Prisoner of Azkaban- Used to be one of my favourites!. After the movie came out though, I kind of lost respect for it!. (Does anyone else agree with me!?)

Philosopher's Stone- When I started reading HP, this book was just "WOW" But now it just kind of seems like the book that started the other, better books!.

Chamber of Secrets- I don't know why, but this is my least favourite book!. I mean, they spend the first half of the novel as happy little British schoolchildren, then all these kids get petrified-- it almost seems to me like JK was gonna kill off a kid or two, but then the publishers were like "No, no! You cannot! There are young children reading this!"-- and they spend the last half of the novel talking to spiders about magical books and going into the girls washroom (How did they even pull this off!? Didn't ANY teacher find it odd that two pre-teen boys are wandering into the girls room for long periods of time!?!?) Very odd!.

But that's just my humble opinion =)Www@QuestionHome@Com