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Question: Fantasy series suggestions!?
I am looking for something with a lot of fighting and violence, like Warhammer series from the Black Library!. I also do not want dragons to play the major role!.

Any suggestions are welcome!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Riftwar Saga by Raymond Feist!. Start with
Magician: Apprentice and Magician: Master
Pug, an orphan boy is apprenticed to a magician and begins a set of adventures with his friend Thomas as their world is invaded by aliens who enter through a portal!. These books were originally created as an alternate D&D world and quickly grew in popularity causing him to write a lot more books to add to the series!.

Forgotten Realms books by R!. A!. Salvatore
There is no easy way to summarize these books, the scope is just too large!. Best I can do is say they are full of adventure, elves, magic, and alternate worlds!. Once you start reading these you will find yourself hooked!.

The Wheel of Time (11 in print, 12th book to be written by Brandon Sanderson) by Robert Jordan
This huge sage takes place in a medievil type world where magic is called the One Power and can only be used by women!. Men who are born with this ability are fated to go insane, if they live that long as once found are usually killed first!. The saga centers around one man who, born with the One Power, is fated to save the world, while trying to save himself from insanity!. The first book takes off slow as the extensive worldbuilding begins to take shape but once you get past that part you will never regret it!.

A Song of Ice and Fire Series (4 in print, 3 planned) by George R!. R!. Martin
A ruthless story about a ruthless world where harsh winterlike conditions make for harsh and gritty characters!. This series has all the typical elements of sword and sorcery; wars, prophecy, dragons (later in the series), invading creatures from another land, treason, betrayal, love, death and loyality!. Martin tells this tale from the viewpoint of many different characters, each bringing a unique perspective on the unforgiving land in which they live!. This series is rift with sex and violence and I do not recommend for younger teens!.

Mithgar Series by Dennis L!. McKiernan
The first book was originally written as a sequel to LoTR, but once written the Tolken family backed out the deal!. So in an attempt to save the story, McKieran rewrote it, changing a few elements, names and so forth to make it unique!. But its still an LoTR sequel and that doesn't remove its charm!. He went on to write 17 books in this series, and each was better then the last!. The battle scenes are better, the characters are portrayed with more warmth and as long as you realize the parallels are intentional, you'll enjoy these as much as LoTR!.
They have all of the ingrediants of high fantasy, elves, dwarves, warrows (hobbits), orges, trolls (by other names) a group of loyal companions on a quest against evil!. I stumbled onto this series late (Hel's Crucible)!. By then his writing had greatly improved and I enjoyed the books throughly!. Purists may wish to start at the beginning and watch the story, and the writer, grow but you can start on later books and not really miss out on anything!. Fun reads!.

Shannara Series by Terry Brooks!.
This is epic fantasy (14 books) with LoTR overtones but set in a post apocalyptic world where magic has replaced technology!. The first book that was written, The Sword of Shannara, follows Shea Olmsford in his quest to recover the magical sword and use it to defeat the evil Warlock Lord!. When this book was first published it rocketed up the best sellers lists, and with good reason!. This is high fantasy at its best and a must read for anyone who loved Lord of the Rings!.

Might also look at The Black Company books by Glen Cook

The Dragoncrown War Sage by Micheal Stackpole (don't let the title fool you)

The Borderlands by Lorna Freeman, my review here:

Warhammer!? Is that a graphic novel, or a book!? Books!.!.!. I always liked the Axis trilogy by Sara Douglass (BattleAxe, Enchanter & Starman) although I don't know if it has the type of violence you're looking for!.

Graphic Novels!.!.!. I really don't know!. I've heard Basilisk can be pretty violent!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It seems that we are almost on the same level!.

Try writing a battle between evil and good humans that lives in a world of magic but the magic doesnt wish to be involve cos their behind the battle!.'

So on!.!.!.
Here listen to fanasty movie soundtracks that has battles and wars!. Eg!. Lord of the rings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

John Ringo's books
While not a fantasy per se anything by Matthew Reilly
Michelle Sagara's " Cast In " series
Raymond Feist's The King's BuccaneerWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Dark Tower series by Stephen King!. It's fantasy mixed with science fiction!. No dragons, awesome characters, lots of fighting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

David Gemmell:
start with Legend!.

Military SF: David Drake's Hammer's Slammers!.
Try his non-Hammer's book "Redliners" to see of you like his style!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Magyk By Angie Sage is the best fantasy book ever! It has a lot to do about magic!.

Or maybe the Edge Chronicles!!!! I'm reading it right now! It's really awesome!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anita Blake Vampire novels

Tiger and Del series "sworddancer series"Www@QuestionHome@Com

R!. A!. Salvatore - 'The Forgotten Realms' series!. The first book is 'The Crystal Shard'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com