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Question: How do i come up with ideas!?
how do you come up with ideas for stories

i want to try and write one but i dont know where to start or where to get any ideasWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Think of things that you like or dislike!. Start there and build up your own character(s) and plot!. It could be school related, work related, and a whole lot more!. Think of something you read or saw and wished you could have been in that character's shoes!.

Write down a few notes before you start and keep track of what your character looks like!. Do a bit of research on whatever it is you choose to write about so you can keep it a little be believable!.

Most of all, take your time and have fun with it!.

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com

I went through a writing course in primary school !.!. grab a newspaper and take out one sheet of paper and somehow connect the different pictures on all the articles on the page youve taken out,, thats a good exercise to practise writing!.!. you could also just lay back relax and let the ideas come a calling!.!. thats what im doing!.!.it really helps if you listen to sad and dramatic music
hide and seek - imogen heap ( listen to the whole song before saying its bad because toward the end it gets reall dramatic and good)
and try:
running up that hill - placebo

these 2 songs brought most of the ideas I now have for my bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

A great source of inspiration is life itself!. A lot will also be depending on what genre you wish to pursue!.

Go to your local mall or wherever people are gathered!. Spend some time just "people watching"!. Try and imagine what each person does for a living, What are their likes and dislikes!? Do they have an unusual characteristic!? An odd walk!? A scar!? A strange hairstyle or way of dressing!? Could they connect in some way to the last person you saw!? If so, how!?

Go to a quiet park or wildlife area!. Listen and try to figure out the different things you hear!. Look at your surroundings!. Notice anything odd - the way that tree grows or why their are flowers only in 1 area!. Lots of birds or very few!? Why do you think that is!?

Take a notebook and write down what you see, hear or experience!. Use these notes for the times you get "stuck" for ideas!.

Hope this gets you started!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Play "What If" with what's around you!.

What if the girl at Subway spit in your sandwich!? What if it wasn't yours but some thug's, and he saw!? What if you gave half your sandwich to a homeless person who wasn't what he seemed!? What if somebody robbed the place while you were there!? What if you were a private detective and you were following a compulsive eater from Subway to Quiznos to Applebees!?

Most what-if leads to dead ends, ideas not worth the writing, but some do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Coming up with ideas I found was easier if you werent looking for them!. But if you feel you want an idea at this very moment i would first look at what type of writing you want to do!.

Think back on dreams, things your interested in, memorys, embarresisng moments!. Anything can lead to anything!. If you think of an embarressing moment that could lead to just one part of a story, for example!. Start with those and see where it takes you and then eventually some bigger ones will probably just come to you, but those take time!. =] i hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Daydream!. Don't even think about your book--just think about your life or something!. Maybe take an event from your past and imagine what would've happened if you did something different!. Because if you think of one thing, it might lead to another series of thoughts, and another--and before you know it!.!.!.eureka! Don't make yourself think of ideas!. Let loose and allow your mind to wander!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What I do is when I want to write a storie I sometimes I look onto books or movies that I loved and I think of how I would do it without copying off of them!. To start you could just write some ideas and then when you find one you like go with the flow and in no time you have a full page!. have fun writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com