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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Are there any E-books worth the price?

Question: Are there any E-books worth the price!?
it is an electronic device used to read books on!. like an mp3 for words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh!. You mean e-book READERS!.

My editor swears by her EBookWise, which is a fairly inexpensive reader, but she has to do some creative work-arounds to read Adobe files!.

The Sony e-reader certainly has a chunk of the market, but at almost $300, out of my price range for a reader!.

The Kindle is definitely the coolest because of its wireless download capabilities, as well as subscription features, but at $400 (!!!) it's also a little absurd price-wise!. Not to mention, apparently the page turner bar is poorly placed!.

They all have file-reading limitations!. I'm holding out for an affordable reader that reads all kinds of docs without making me twist myself into knots to get to it and is actually user-friendly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have a library card from your local library, you can go on www!.netlibrary!.com and download e-books for FREE!. They have thousands!. We download audiobooks - we used to spend hundreds of dollars a year on them, for long car trips, but then discovered netlibrary!. Your tax dollars at work!Www@QuestionHome@Com