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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is last christmas by kate brian is goin to b about???

Question: What is last christmas by kate brian is goin to b about!?!?!?
hey i have one question about what is the prequel to private by kate brian!? What are last cristmas and privilege going to be about!?!? i know that they will be based on Ariana Osgood wich was the killer of Thomas Pearson the guuy who got killed and Reed's oh so hot ex-bf!. Are these books about how the school was before reeed came or what!?!? plz awnser!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Last Christmas is based on Arianna on the events in her junior year, so I'm guessing that is the year Reed came as I can't remember!. I think Privilege is sort of the same!. Heres what I got from Wikipedia;

Last Christmas;
This prequel will be the first hardcover in the series, and will revisit Ariana Osgood during the events of her junior year!.

As with the prequel, this spin-off will also focus on Ariana Osgood, following her present life and her relationships with her former classmates!.Www@QuestionHome@Com