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Question: Private the book series by kate brian!?
I have this question about the book private!. The question is that i dont get all the albums and pictures tht Cheyenne took with Ivy are they ssecretly friends or what id the deal with them!? Does Reed really loose Josh forever and what is the deal between Ivy & Josh!. and does Reed tell Noelle that she ahem made out with her boyfriend and do dey stay cool!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It turns out, Ivy and Cheyenne used to be best friends!. Their friendship ended when Cheyenne was invited into Billings!. She chose Billings over Ivy!. That is why Ivy hates everyone in Billings Hall!.

It doesn't tell you if Reed loses Josh forever or not, but then at the end of the last book, he was still with Ivy!. I don't think that Josh really loves Ivy like he did with Reed, but they share one thing in common; their hatred of Billings!.

Someone who was on the roof that night sends the video to everyone, including Noelle, so she sees Reed and Dash!. They do not stay cool, in fact, everyone starts hating her, including Constance!.

Hope I helped!


i wish i knew too! idk!. the new book comes out September 16!.Www@QuestionHome@Com