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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anyone know the author of this book?

Question: Anyone know the author of this book!?
The books is about this girl who goes with her mother to live at this estate because he mom is taking care of the guy who owns the whole place!. And there's this garden that is mysterious and has something to do with an old legend from the place, and there's this weird cat!. And the girl meets this guy when she goes to town for her mother, and he takes her on his motorcycle sort of against her will, and she leaves him in this city when he goes to get them food, and her mom gets mad that she had to take the cab because it was so expensive, and then the guy comes back and he's all mad that she left him because he was worried about her!. Then she eventually falls for him and they discover the secret about the garden!.

I'm pretty sure that the title of the book is the Secret Garden, but every search pulls up the book about the orphan girl, and it's not that book!. I need the author to find the book, because I really liked this book!. Does anybody know it!? Thanx!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Perhaps it is The Return to the Secret Garden by Susan Moody !.

Could it be something like "Tuck Everlasting"!. It was a movie that was based from a book!. It had Sissy Spacek in it!. It sounds really like what you are describing!. It was a great movie and I bet it was a fabulous book!. Let us know when you get it figured!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rapaccin's Daughter - Nathaniel Hawthorne!.Www@QuestionHome@Com