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Question: What if I read New Moon before Twilight!?
Because I was at a week long camp and a girl there was reading New Moon and it seemed so interesting and I just wanted to read it but I just don't want to read Twilight before it because of what others have said it sounds kinda boreing (FROM WHAT PEOPLE HAVE SAID), and I am going to the Library in a few days and wanted to know if I should read New Moon first but I do plan to read Eclipse after New Moon!.!.!.!. so would it be a better idea to read twilight first or New moon or should I check both of the books out at the same time!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
if you can, read twilight first!. you'll understand everything much better, everything is in more detail!.
in all series', books have recaps of what happened earlier!. new moon will tell you the things you need to know, but i wouldn't doubt you getting confused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read Twilight first, you miss too much if you just skip to the second book!. Plus New Moon is drawn out in the middle and rather dull!. At least if you read Twilight first you know there are good parts to the series!.
I'm not saying New Moon was ALL bad, but it is the least favorite for many, many fans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no no no plzzz read them in order and after u do which hopefully u will u'll b e soooo happy that u did trust me! why would you ruin a great book like that!? its like reading harry potter out of order (or any other series idk if u like hp i luv it lol)

plus its written in order for a reason rite!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read Twilight first!. Some books it doesn't matter what order you read them in, but this series it does!. it is best to know what was going on in Twilight, that way when you read New Moon, you know what exactly is going on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's cool because i read Eclipse first and had no idea it was part of a series and i understood it perfectly i think there is nothin wrong with doing that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no u should read twilight 1st
if u read new moon uw ouldnt understand it and it will ruin twilight 4 u and if u read new moon 1st u might not understand it and not like the series
plus believe me u dont want to start wit that u wanna start wit twilight cuz it rlly gets u into itWww@QuestionHome@Com

NO read it in order
i read new moon first, and it ruined everything and i didn't get half the story!.

happy reading


NO DON'T DO IT! it will ruin EVERYTHING!!! Twilight is my favorite book from the series!.!.!.definately read the books in order! hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

read them in order - my friend read new moon first and she was totally lost and didnt appreciate the awesomeness of the book ;DWww@QuestionHome@Com

omg! you NEED to read them in order!. i don't think Twilight is boring!. Honestly i thought Twilight was really exciting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to read the books in order or you won't understand them, trust me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u shuld read it in order!. if u read new moon 1st then it'ss give it away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read Twilight first! If you want to, but I think it would still make a little bit of sense if you read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No,no,no,no,no, read it in order!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, they're in order for a reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

read them in order, its so good that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com