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Question: Writing A Book!.!.!?
I know I`m only young,
But I decided to write a book!.
I have already started,
But I`m blocked!.
I know I can`t force writing`
But I need to write some more`
I write short stories and post them on various websites,
And they get PHENOMENAL reactions!.
Which really surprised me,
So I decided to step up the game a little bit,

So, what my question/s are;

1; How do I get rid of this block!?

2; Is it a good idea to write a book at a young age!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. try imagining yourself in the story and make a character with your personality and then as weeks go by, write the most interesting events that happened!.

2!. i think its a totally awesome idea and i'll probably buy your books and who knows!? you'll probably beat harry potter one day if you write a series!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see any problem with writing a book at a young age!. To get rid of that block, just do something different, that you wouldn't usually do!. Or play some video games or something!. Just do something random, and not think about your story!. You'll be surprised what you'll think up when you're not actually thinking about something in the first place!. Or you can try just writing something else!. It doesn't have to come out to be anything, but it might help you think of other things!. Both of those work for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want to write then write!. And how to get rid of writers block!. Don't write for a few days, just let you mind rest and finally you'll be able to write again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Listen to music that you enjoy, or just take a little time to just sit still and try to brainstorm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't write for a week, then re-read with a fresh eye, and you'll find idea's, mistakes, better analogies =]!.!.!. trust me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com