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Position:Home>Books & Authors> True or False: Is BREAKING DAWN the final book in the Twilight Series, or not?

Question: True or False: Is BREAKING DAWN the final book in the Twilight Series, or not!?
Stephenie said somewhere she had outlines for a 6th book, and how she was reluctant to write it because of how much the legistical issues of getting it published ruined the fun of writing it!.

But then!.!. on mTV news, they called it the fourth and final!.!.

Anyone know for sure which it is!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
8!. Will there be any other books in the Twilight universe!?

At this time, Breaking Dawn is the last book in the series that Stephenie has a contract for!. She has ideas that could be turned into a fifth or sixth book, but as of this point in time, she is focusing on other stories!. She is also working on a retelling of Twilight from Edward’s perspective called Midnight Sun and would enjoy seeing it published, but it’s up to her publisher if they would like to publish it or not!. Just hold tight!. She’s hoping to eventually get it out to fans!. Should it be published, it wouldn’t be out until after Breaking Dawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ugh this question is asked SO many times!!
for the LAST time: Breaking Dawn is the last book in Bella's point of view!! Stephenie is writing Midnight Sun which is Twilight in Edward's POV
she said that she might revisit the vampire world and continue the story in another POV (a lot of people say it might be jacob's POV but there's no confirmation on that) but bella and edward would be in the continuation but it won't be from bella's POV!.
also she has mentioned that she wants to write Bree's story (from Eclipse)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It said it was the last book in the Twilight series!. But Stephenie is working on Midnight Sun, Twilight being retold in Edward's point of view!. I don't think that is counted as Twilight series, as all 4 books are being told by Bella!. (Except the epilogue of Eclipse, which is narrated by Jacob Black!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sad to say, but it is true!.!.!.
here is a link to amazon, on the website there is this advertisment thingy
that is an interview with Stephenie Meyer!.!.!.

(You'll know when you see the link, because there is a picture of
She is writing Midnight Sun, Edward's perspective of Twilight!.!.!.
and look out for the movie which be coming to theaters (in US)
December 12, 2008


She also said she might write a sequal to her awesome
book, The Host!. Another thing she in an interview she is
thinking of writing a book about mermaids and other things!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking dawn is the last book in Bella's perspective!.
There is a book that the author is working on called Midnight Sun which is Twilight in Edward's perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is true that thins is the last book in the twilight series however there is another book called mignight sun that is twilight in edwards point of viewWww@QuestionHome@Com


Make sure you do research before you ask!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i never heard about the 6th book thingy!.!.!.but sadly it's TRUE!. it will be the final book in the Twilight Saga!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephanie Meyer said this is going to be the last, but my friends said somewhere on here she heard that there's going to be more!.!.!.but I think the more may just result in the Edward pov books!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking Dawn is the final book in Twilight Saga (Series)
However, Midnight Son is just Edward pov (point of view)
Hope I helped ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

both true and falseWww@QuestionHome@Com

omg, yes!. who cares though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, so far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com