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Question: Why do people buy self-help books!?
There is no way I'd spend money on something just so I can read someone preaching about how I should live my life!. I'd rather think for myself and react to certain situations the way I think they should be handled!. I think my own mother is becoming brainwashed by these books!.!.!.I don't even know how many she has!.!.!.too much for me to waste my time counting!.!.!.but she used to be able to make her own decisions, now she has to refer to someone else's opinion about what choice she should make!. She was never religious and now, all of a sudden, she has this obsession with Joel Osteen after reading one of his books!. So, why do some people find it necessary to live their life by other people's rules!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
People read self-help books either because they have a problem or are looking to better themselves!. There is wisdom in some of those books, and it takes too long, if ever, for many to discover these life lessons for oneself!. It can be argued that the Bible is the most read self-help book!. Self-help books don't stop you from thinking for yourself; they give you ideas and new perspectives for making better decisions for yourself!. A wise, intelligent person is one who doesn't have to discover life's lessons the hard way but is able to acquire life's lessons through the experiences and wisdom of other people!. Societies cannot function unless we agree live by a common set of rules and usually those rules are someone else's that you've agreed to follow yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People buy self help books!.!.!.!.!.when they need help!. It's in the title!. "Self-help!."
And, people choose to follow, because, y'know what!? It's much easier than actually *gasp* thinking for yourself!. It takes nothing to be a follower!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hello!. People 'do' reach a time when they 'doubt' themselves, and ask why!? That is the reason!. I'd say something more, but I won't it's your mission now!. good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because not every problem has an easy solution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with u!.!.these kinda books NEVER help me!.i jst end up being confused n being vry artificial with every one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com