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Question: Harry potter, hate it or love it !?
this is more of a debate than an actual question, i'd just like to see everyones views on the books!. From a literary point of view the books are decent, but people seem to forget they are written for Children, ive seen 40 year olds queing for these books and frankly its quite pathetic, okay the plot is decent, but if you look closer the books arent that great, the plot is always the same, voldemort finds a way back, and harry stops him, and then some random character will be picked off!. It seems dis-heartening to see ordinary people read these books on the basis that everyone is reading them and they get so much press, when there are sooo much better reads out there, like when's the last time you picked up a steven king novel, probably never, it's just in the current day and age with video games and dvds people have forgotten that reading a great book can surpass all of these!. Im 17 and i love to read novels, the rest of my school year seem to think this is wierd ?_?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Yer ive grown to notice that as well hat the first one wasnt written that well but as they progressed they became fairly decent but the books will always remain close to heart, Ive never picked up a steven king book!.!.!. but I have pciked up a james patterson book today!.!.close enough right!? who cares what your peers think, my brother went down that track and so I picked up where he left off!.!. the Harry potters!.!.that was when I was in yr3!.!.
the reason the HP's are so close to heart for me is that I grew up with Harry [not literallly, just as in I grew up reading the books] and The philosophers stone was the first long book that I'd ever read Ive still got that copy next to my bed!.!.!. ahh good memories!.!.!.

I guess the books were aimed at younger audience but then they progressed as he grew up and JK aimed them higher when she noticed the ages that read them!.!.=]


is also 17 and im a huge reader!. i love harry potter books!. i read them as they came out the first when i was in third grade and i was an instant fan!. im a fan of books with magic and things that don't happen in the real world!. i do believe some people take their obsessions a little far because they are just books!. it truely is dis-heartening to see people get into harry potter because it is a trend now rather than because they love the story!. i guess that is just how the world works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read loads of different types of book and it is a shame that you have cut of this particular avenue!.

I love the Harry Potter books - they are pure escapism and are set in a world which does not reflect the things concerning us in the real world!.

Don't like horror much but do like Michael Crighton, Kathy Reichs, John Grisham and others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the books!. I, like you, love reading and will read anything including Stephen King and Harry Potter! Books allow us to escape from reality and enter a world where anything is possible!. Thats why Harry Potter is so popular!. The plot may be similar in each book but they are written well and always have several storylines going at once!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I'm thireen, I love Harry Potter and I'm currently reading a Stephen King novel!.
They're not only for children, they have a lot of aspects that people of all ages can relate to!. And, just to clarify, the reason these books got press is *because* people loved them when they first came out, not the other way around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! This series is a literary masterpiece! The character development is complex, the plot is fast and intense, the intrigue levels are HUGE, and everything about these books is perfect!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't love or hate it!.
Sometimes things transcend what they are supposed to be- in this case a children's book!. I can think of worse things adults can read!. I believe I've read some myself!. If people, of whatever age, enjoy reading it, I don't see the problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't love it, don't hate it!.

Tried to get into it when I was younger, still couldn't!. I was bored out by it!. It's not my type of literature!.

Though, I'm glad to know that some people can appreciate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's okay!. =) I've read the books and they're not bad!. Just not my type, I guess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the books!. I'm not crazy about the movies, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love both the books and the movies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Harry Potter!. xDWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have been reading books since a tot and love all the genres I have read! I am 48 now and loved the H P series!. It took you away into a fantasy world parallell to our world!.

You can keep your video games and tv and fims too, give me a book any day!. I have no interest in games with awful noises and gunfire, what can you learn from that!? I don't read books that are 'in' I read what I want to read! And I enjoy what I read!. Don't knock people who read books that you don't like! We may not like what you read!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love to read too :)
I do read novels, ive just finished the exorcist by willima peter blaty and will be starting the changeling tonight :)

However, I am one of those people who queued up from 10pm until midnight for the books to go on sale!.
However, i read the first 3 books before harry potter was actually famous, a good 3 yers before they were famous, my neighbour found the first one in a little london bookshop and brought 1 back for me and one for her as a little present and we were hooked and later found the other 2!. They then afew years later became famous and people were running around trying to buy the books!.!.!.me and Melissa have 1st edition copies of every single one of the books :)

I love harry potter, always will, and yes the general plot is always the same but it is always exciting and twists and keeps you hooked enough to be able to read the whole book in 3 hours :)


I'm a 50-something librarian, a Jeopardy champion, and a lifelong reader who enjoys everything from Herman Melville and Jane Austen to Sidney Sheldon and John Jakes!. I think the novels are brilliant!. They can be read on many levels!. If you are only seeing them as children's books, it must be because you don't understand the depth of what Rowling has done!. She draws on English literary tradition (you can make comparisons to people like Charles Dickens) as well as Arthurian legend and other mythological traditions!. Her use of language is masterful--even in her selection of names for characters!.
I'm sorry you don't understand what's going on in those books!. You're missing something great!.
BTW, you're not trying to start an honest debate!. You are insulting people who enjoy books that you don't happen to like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm 17 to and I love harry potter, I first read harry potter at the age of 9 and at the time i could not read at all, I was in the bottom class in English and need help with ever word, when i first read harry potter only 4 books were out ( GOF had only been out for 3 months) and i struggled to read it, but after i read the 4 books i felt I had to read them again, so i did, but after i got to the end guess what !? I read the full thing again and again, when OOTP came out i when at midnight to get the book, and read in in about 5 weeks, i did the same when HBP and the last one came out

harry potter is the only book i will read, i feel like i can only connect to harry potter, I feel close to the people i the book and every year at Hogwarts is different to the next!. and i find the books funny and interesting to read

and I'm now reading harry potter 1 to 7 again for about the 1 million time now :)

hooray for harry :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Harry Potter, but it's definately not the only thing I read!. I picked it up first of all just to see what all the fuss was about really, and ended up thinking it was a wonderful story!. For me HP is light reading; an easy read after three years of reading various literature for an English degree!. However, even though I do think J!.K!. Rowling has a wonderful, incredible imagination, I have to say she possibly isn't the best in terms of writing!. Plus, there seem to be so many things in the books that seem to echo other novels, such as the Dementors resembling the Nazgul in LotR!. If it weren't for older novels, HP maybe wouldn't be the same!. I do get slightly annoyed when some avid fans read HP and only that (in a similar way to the 'Twilight' series)!. People sometimes get so hooked on it that they forget there are so many other brilliant books out there that go back for centuries!. I mean, take Dickens, the Brontes, Austen, Orwell, Chaucer etc!. Fantastic authors!.

As I said, I love Harry Potter so I hope no one thinks I'm just criticising it because I hate it!. I don't!. I just think there are other fantastic books out there (there are also some awful ones out there, but you don't know until you look) and that HP isn't the only thing to read!. Pick up another book and you might be pleasantly surprised!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i prefer the movie, i don't wanna spend and waste my time reading those long novels :)Www@QuestionHome@Com