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Question: A strange request!?
Alrighty, now that I have captured your attention, I would like to ask my strange question!. In the novel I am creating, I need a name for a special character!. An abusive husband!. He is very hillbilly, quite a morbid vocabulary, an alcoholic (shocker there =] ) , he has a charmingly unassuming attitude, he is prejudice and one of the lead characters step father!. The name has to have the power to run chills down your spine when mentioned, and I want it to give this character justice!. Originality would be preferred, but I’m a step above desperate, so if your reading this, and a name is echo-ing through your head, write it!. Thank ya!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Knife McDagger


Jimmy Murder


Paddy Wolfkicker

all very powerful names!. An unassuming man assertive enough to abuse his wife!. Fabulous character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lester is pretty crazy but since he is prejudice im gonna say Hunter Montgomery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Charlie Manson or Ed Gein!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Zane BrandWww@QuestionHome@Com