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Question: Joshua : A parable for today HELP ME!. thanks :]!?
alright i have summer reading and one of the books is Joshua: A parable for Today byy Joseph F!. Girzone

i read it but i thought it sucked and couldnt really understand it!.!. and now i have to answer a bunch of questions and i need help!.!. is there any other sites than Sparknotes!.!. that will have this book on it!?!? please

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Did you understand that Joshua is Jesus!? The Joshua books start with the premise, what if Jesus had been born in the 20th Century instead of 2,000 years ago!? Where would He have gone!? Who are the people who would have followed Him!? How would He teach today!? Would He tell the same parables using the same examples, or would his stories be different!?

That should get you started and the other answer had some sites to check out for notes!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


and my favorite
