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Question: Will this get you reading this book!?
I am currently making a book!. I have 3/4 of chapter one complete!.
Here is what i got so far!.

I need to know if its good!. I already know it has bad grammar and lots of other errors!. I am looking for editor right now!. Tell me if its a good so far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i love your title!. it's really cool!.i think that your character's aren't well developed enough!. even though it is only the first chapter, it is important that your characters have a personality!. right off the bat!. it will keep reader interested!. i think your beginning paragraph is pointless!. your story is in 3rd person, so you shouldn't start my describing your story as trevor!. unless, during the course of the book you plan to change the point of view that you are writing from!. your time period is unclear!. the names of your characters are modern, yet you say "market" like it's old times!. i think your first paragraph is more action, and you should start with sometime more subtle, because i got a little confused towards the ending!. you need to write in a direction and stick with that direction!. you're all over and it's just a little fuzzy on where the story is going!.
keep writing i'm SURE it will be great if you edit and continueWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's an interesting start, but a bit confusing!. I had some questions while reading it like, "Why wouldn't Trevor go back to the shed after getting the food!? He'd need to feed his siblings, wouldn't he!?" Then I was later confused as to where the gun suddenly appeared from!. I think that first and foremost a lot of the confusion in your story will be cut down on once you fix the grammatical and spelling errors!. Good luck! ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's extremely interesting, and there is a lot of possibility to the story!. I think my advise would be to slow the pace!. Build a relationship with your Characters before you start killing them!. =] Detail is good, but babbling is bad!. I myself am only 14, so I know what you mean about rushing!. But, you've inspired me!. I never let anyone read my story, and how you just flash it around!.!.!. Maybe I'll post mine!.!.!.Cheers!.

Oh! I'm sending you a friend request, I'm kinda in a recruiting state, so know I'm not some random person!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey Albert!. Bad grammar and lots of errors aside, I like it!. I'm older and not sure if I would read it myself but if it continued to be as interesting as it started out, I might buy it for my daughter, nieces, or nephews!. Keep going and don't give up!. You have talent and it needs to be developed!. Only by writing will you get better!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Explaining his siblings is pointless!. You should save that till when it's necessary!. For me, there's nothing that draws me into the story!. Especially that little part at the beginning!. It just doesn't sound interesting to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com