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Question: Potter and the order!?
in the order of the phoneix, no one believes that Lord V is back and that harry just made it up!.

so, i was wondering, why couldnt they just look at his memory in the seive!? wouldnt that be a conformation that he was telling the truth!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No one WANTED to believe he was back, it wasn't a matter of proof or not, even if they could get it, they didn't want it!. To admit Voldy was back was to allow in their darkest nightmare!. Not to mention that the Minister and Prophet were making out Farry to be a nutcase hich allowed them to fall deeper into their 'assurances' that he was lying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nobody would bother to, even though this would be the most logical thing to do!. Nobody wanted to go through the same shenanigans (my word of the day =D) that happened during the first war with Voldy!.

Besides, Horace Slughorn proved in Book Six that you can change your memories (albiet poorly)!. If they did look at Harry's memory and saw the truth, the Minister would just say that Harry was lying again!.

And if they did, Order of the Phoenix would only be, like 80 pages long!. And that would suck!. =(Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they really acually did believe he was back!.!.!.deep inside!.!.!.
but they didn't want to believe it
If they done that, they would probably know he is back, and I don't think
they would acually want to know that!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nobody wanted to believe that voldy was back!. the government was telling them not to and so on so people did not think to do so really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they were just in denial , they didn't want to belive he was back, they did'nt want to have to worry about him, to go back living in fearWww@QuestionHome@Com

Right Broadways, I don't think that anyone wanted to believe it, but they knew that he was back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com