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Question: J!.k rowling a one hit wonder!?
do you think that jk rowling was a one hit wonder!?

i mean, she hasnt wrote anything besides harry potter!. do you think she capable of writing anything else!?

and yes, i love rowling and believe that the potter books are unbelievable!. i think she has alot more potential and could possibly write even more astounding novels!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
She already has 2 more novels begun!. She's given no hints about them yet, except to say they're not like Harry Potter!. I think writing something new will be a huge learning experience for her!. It will be interesting to read her next 2 or 3 novels and see if she's been able to shake off the pacings and phrasings and word choices that she used in HP to give her new books a life and identity of their own!.

I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt!. I'll read her next book, or 2 or 3 books, to see if she can do more than Harry!. If she can, hurrah for her! And if she can't, then I have my Harry books and she has her gazillion dollars and everybody's happy!.

I thought HP and the Order of the Phoenix was by far the best of the books, followed by HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe she will be capable of writing great pieces - but only to people who have not read Harry Potter!.
Many Harry Potter fans did not want the series to end, and I don't think they will be satisfied with much of her work because they still want more of the Potter series!.
Of course, it might take time, as she said the idea for Harry Potter came to her quite literally out of nowhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't she is a one hit wonder ,she did write seven books after all!. HP was such a hit it will be hard to top it and everyone will always compare but someone that can write the stories she wrote and bring a new world with a new language into ours like that has too much talent to be a one hit wonder!.

I had the pleasure of seeing her in NYC at Radio City Music Hall and she read from the fifth book and answered questions!. She really made an impression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I only thought the first three books were pretty good; after that, the magic was gone!.
I think JK Rowling continues to write about anything Potter because she is, indeed, a one-hit wonder!.
Her 'hit' made her a billionaire, and she won't let it go, but she certainly should!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that in the next decade she will have another hit book!. of course it will not be as huge as hp but it wil be popular!. supposedly she is working on something right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think she could write more really good books , but they prob won't be as huge as harry potter but still popular
she has'nt written anything else because she has'nt really had a chance , but she is working on a mystery novel now!.!.!.!.i thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I believe she is done!. The books started going downhill with 4 and I think she is pretty much over now!. Pax - CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Can't really tell until she writes another book!. I wouldn't be surprised if that were so, however!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

actually a 7 hit wonder!. they were all goodWww@QuestionHome@Com