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Question: So what do they mean!?
So I'm just wondering about the covers of the books of the Twilight saga!. What does the cover for Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and the upcoming Breaking Dawn!? They must have a meaning behind them!. Just curious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well Twilight the apple is referring to a forbidden fruit, as in the Bible!. There has been argument over whether that forbidden fruit is supposed to be Bella or Edward!.

In New Moon, there are several theories, but Stephenie Meyer had nothing to do with the cover!. That was the publishers!.

As far as I know nothing was released about the Eclipse cover either!. My theory is that it's supposed to symbolize Bella and Jake "breaking up!."

As for Breaking Dawn, there has not been anything released because they want people speculating about what the story will be about!. A common theory is that the pawn and Queen both represent Bella!. The small red one before she's changed, the white Queen after!.
Other's think it's Jacob and Edward!.
Other's think it's Bella and Edward!.
And other's think the red pawn symbolizes someone's death!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com