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Question: Fiction book writing!?
Alright, I'm a fiction writer!. I am currently writing on a book about a girl who gets kidnapped!. Between work, school, and every day life, I can't find time to write on it!. I really want to get it published, but I think that I have my goal on publishing set too high that it's making me procrastinate (if that makes any sense!.) Any ideas on how I can concentrate!? also, any ideas on how to bypass Writers Block!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am a freelance journalist so i think i can give some advice!.
since i really have no boss or anybody to tell when to write i have to be disciplined in my scheduling of my day-to-day activities!. You got to set your own schedule and most of all follow it!. It depends on your priorities and on how much time you will spend!.

also don't let writer's block stop you from being a writer!. Take a break!. Move around and look at things from different angles!.

This may sound silly but observe the actions of the writer in the movie "Stranger than Fiction" Notice how she scheduled her time and how she got inspiration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when i get writers block i just go out and try to experience something new!. usually if i have a new experience or anything that evokes any kind of feeling i can sit down and right!. so if its kidnapping and you need to write go to a city or out in the country and imagine it happening!. then you can write what you saw or felt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try to schedule in an hour of writing each day!.

Just one!.

I had to do the same when I was working 2 jobs 8 years ago!.

It was tough!. Some days I didn't get any writing in, other days!.!.!.!? I was just flying!. :0)

But once I had my routine down pat, it was very hard to break!.Www@QuestionHome@Com