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Question: Harry Potter Mistake- Anyone Have an Explanation!?
Okay so in the 2nd book Lockhart tells the students that he wrestled a werewolf to the ground and preformed a spell on him that cured the village of the monthly terror of the werewolf- but I thought there was no way to stop someone from being a werewolf!? Otherwise, wouldn't every werewolf find a wizard who could do the charm (except Greyback)!?

And I know Lockhart didn't really do it but whoever's memory he erased actually did do it- so how does that work!?

Is it just a mistake!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is probably one of the ones where he just made up what happened, or twisted the facts to make the story even more sensational!.

But in truth, it really is more of a mistake on JKR's part because people actually believe Lockhart did all of those things, but it is very widely known that you cannot cure a werewolf, so why people believe he did it when they know it can't be done!.!.!.well, your guess is as good as mine!.

Most likely an oversight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I assumed it was just Lockheart's lying!.
Because even though he erases their memories I still think that he lies and exaggerates the story!.
Like he tells Harry and Ron in the Chamber of Secrets that he will perform a memory charm on them and then tell everyone they couldn't save Ginny and she was already dead- which was a lie!. I think it was showing that the wizards and witch's whose stories he stole didn't necessarily do it in the way he describes either!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always thought it meant that he cured the villagers themselves of being afraid, he didn't stop anyone from turning into a werewolf he just made it so the townspeople weren't wigged out by it!. Maybe that's way off base, that was just my interpretation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is an antidote, but it has to be administered within a certain amount of time after the bite!.

Incidentally, this cure was discovered after Remus Lupin was attacked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh lockhart was just bragging he didnt mean it!.!.!.!.or jkr cud have possibly made a mistake here
lolz nice of u to notice!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just more evidence that Lockheart was a fraud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com