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Question: Am I missing something in Quidditch!?
I just read Harry Potter and the philosophers stone, I know I'm a little behind the times but anyway, I have a Quidditch question, I'm sure I'm missing something but going by the rules the game seems to be a total waste of time when the seeker gets involved!. What is the point of catching the snitch if your team is more than 150 points behind and you are going to lose anyway, please help as this is driving me nutsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It'll start making more sense, especially when you get the book 4 Goblet of Fire!.

In the rest of the books you'll see Harry getting more and more skilled at flying and at seeking, so you'll see more skill in the position!.

the whole reason why the seeker catching the snitch for the end of the game is so, number 1, the game doesn't go on forever, and number 2, if you're losing by a lot you can come from behind to win, or if you're too far behind, you can at least close the gap in the points and end it on your terms!.

for hogwarts, and i'm assuming the professional quidditch league, most of their team standings in the race for the cup is based on points (at least in hogwarts)!.

whichever team has the most points at the end of the season is the team that wins!.

i can't remember which book it is, but oliver wood tells harry that he cannot catch the snitch unless they are up by 60 points, because they have to have that 60 point lead over slytherin (i believe) in order to win the cup!.

as for catching the snitch even if you're going to lose!? well, either so there's not the bigger gap in points, or, well, read about the world cup in Goblet of Fire and you'll understand!.

I hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess there isn't!. Catching the snitch just means the game is over, plus the team with the seeker who caught the snitch gains 150 points!. If you're behind by less than 150 points then you want to catch the snitch right away to win; if you're behind by more then I guess the seeker would want to wait until his/her team caught up a little bit!. But it takes a lot to get ahead by over 150 points in the first place (without catching the snitch)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Snitch is a way to end the game!. It provides tension, because in a game, you have to lead by at least 160 pts, which is hard!. However this happened in the Goblet of Fire!.!.!.
I think Rowling introduced it as a convienent way to quickly stop Quidditch when it starts slowing down the narrative!. As she goes the books, she slowly phases Quidditch out of the books altogether!. I don't think she likes writing it much because the game in Philospher's Stone between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor lasted one page!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is an answer in the 3rd book!.
This is what happened [they were champion there]!.

Gryffindor was more than 150 points behind the other team so Oliver Wood asked Harry to catch the Snitch ONLY AFTER they score more than the other team's score plus the value of the snitch!.

For example,
Slytherin-700 points
Gryffindor-500 points

So Harry had to catch the Snitch when their score is more than 550 to win!.

So in short!.!.!.to win, they should catch the snitch only when they're less than 150 points behind!.

If they catch the snitch when they are less than 150 points behind then that's stupid!. Lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the point is, if a Seeker doesn't catch the snitch, the game goes on forever!. However, if you're losing the game by more than 150 points and you do manage to catch the snitch, you still lose but the game ends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank god - it's not just me!. As a spectacle, I'm sure Qudditich is wondeful!. As a game, however, the scoring system needs a lot more thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

J!.K!. Rowling once said in an intereview that she invented the rules of Quidditch to "annoy men!." It seems to have worked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Harry Potter should have chosen to join the cricket team!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Quidditch senction in each book is the most boring!.
JKR is not much good in writing of actionlWww@QuestionHome@Com