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Question: Who's your favourite book character!?
*Describe their physical appearance
*A character profile outlining personality giving evidence for each statement that you makeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My favourite book character is Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter series!.!.

The books describe Dumbledore as a classic wizard; tall and thin, with long silver hair that looks long enough to tuck into his belt and a long beard!. He has twinkling, blue eyes, a very long and crooked nose (looking as if it had been broken at least twice) and long fingers!. He wears half-moon spectacles!. In addition, in his younger years, he is described as having auburn hair!.

Throughout the series, Dumbledore believes that an individual's choices reflect one's character, rather than one's birth, blood or family, saying, "it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be"!. Unlike most wizards, Dumbledore is not afraid to refer to Voldemort by name (and attempted to persuade others to call him by his 'proper' name, Voldemort, during the First War) and instead addresses him as "Tom" when confronting him!.

Characters in the books often remark that his greatest weakness is Dumbledore's willingness to trust those who may otherwise be considered untrustworthy!. This trust is often criticised by those around him but is rarely questioned!. However the end of the series shows that Dumbledore had valid reasons to trust the people he did and he is shown to know exactly what he's doing even when other people in the series sometimes cannot understand it!.

Dumbledore frequently makes humorous, even whimsical comments, especially during conflict, which can often infuriate those who are at odds with him!. He is hardly ever impatient, and makes a point of politeness, even to those whom one would consider his enemies!. He is a great lover of music, calling it "A magic beyond all we do [at Hogwarts]"!.

While a brilliant and wise wizard, Dumbledore is portrayed as very eccentric; for example, in the first book he announces that he would like to say "a few words" to the school, and then pronounces: "Nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak!."

Dumbledore exhibits no false modesty, readily acknowledging that he is unusually intelligent and an exceptionally powerful wizard!. He admits a number of times to Harry in their occasional meetings that he makes mistakes, and since he handles more important issues than most men, his mistakes "tend to be correspondingly huger!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cyrano de Bergerac from the book with the same name!. He is a historical character and the protagonist of the story!. He is a talented Gascon nobleman and cadet, who is known for his enormous nose and physical ugliness!. He is brilliantly witty but also tactless and forthright!. He is also characterized by his verbal and military skills, his courage, and his fierce independence!.

Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rosamund Bolton Cabot Meredith Hepburn- She is the lead character of the two books in the Friarsgate Inheritance series by Bertrice Small!. She is very tenacious!. Her parents and only brother die when she is three!. She was married to her cousin soon after that!. Mind you this was common back then!. It is set in Tudor England!. The cousin died!. Her uncle, determined to get her inheritance for his heirs marries her to an elderly knight!. He dies just before she turns 13 leaving her in the care of Elizabeth of York of England!. She marries for the third time and has three daughters!. Then her husband dies!. Later she gets a final husband a Scots borderer!. She has auburn hair and green eyes!. She takes care of her lands with help from her husbands and illegitmate uncles!. She makes friends with several queens!. She was the mistress of Henry VIII for a brief time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is Melanie from "Gone with the Wind!." She's completely sweet and forgiving and kind, and shows a lot of courage in the face of adversity!. I saw the movie at 9 years old before I read the book, so I think I pretty much picture her as Olivia de Havilland looked!. Small, plain features, but at the same time had a beauty that shone from within!. With all of Scarlett's beauty and charm, she is much more beautiful to me in every way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmmm I guess it can't be my own; that's cheating and big-headed so!.!.!.!.

I can't specifically pick a favorite at this moment out of all the books I've read but how about the most recent book!.!.!.

Jim Nightshade is almost 13, going on 20, 30, 50, into old man, and oh! He might just leave old Will, Willy boy behind on that carousel as the calliope plays funeral songs forwards this time!. And just like Mr!. Dark promised, like those slick monsters crawling, wrapping muscles and crying out in the abysmall monochrome of moon silver, he'd be old enough to do anything, go anywhere, be anyone!.

Dark hair, wild eyes always watching, ready for the hurt coming his way!. Will, he never understood the hurt, never expected it, tried to avoid it, but Jim he just took it like it had always been coming!. And so there was something dead but something more real in his eyes that Will would never understand!. That's why he didn't understand why Jim got on the spear-stabbed mare forever locked in its scream, in its stampede through the night, and went forward, went all the way forward!.

But Will, young Will!. His friend, his pal, would be too young and Jim too old and no longer friends they would be!.

So Jim finally knew what Will, friend Will was, and what friend Will saw in the barber shop pole spinning forever into nothing and everything and Jim finally laughed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mine is Edward Cullen from the Twilight series!. One of the reasons I love him is because of his appearance!. He has white white skin, and his whole body is stone hard!. He sometimes has dead black eyes or my favorite his gold eyes! His hair is a auburn color that is tousled!. But I love him because of his personality and what he does!. He is very old fashioned, and a total gentlemen!. He always is very polite and says the sweetest things! And because he is very patient! He never really gets too mad, but he is a litle overprotective but thats but i love about him! Because he really cares for peopl! I love Edward!


Will Parry in the His Dark Materials trilogy!.!.!.!.

"Will has been described as having straight black eyebrows, dark hair, a strong, jutting jaw, and often a passionate ferocity in his eyes into which most characters in the trilogy avoid looking directly into!. Although he is supposed to have dark hair, he can be seen on the cover of the US edition with fair, brown hair, and in the Spanish edition with reddish hair!.!.!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

mm, I'd say that it's meg from
'a wrinkle in time!.' in this book,
she was a scrawny mousy kind
of girl with thick glasses and
a dirt coloured mop for hair :)

but, she was always strong-willed
and confident, and even though
she was insecure at times (since
she was bullied at school), she
always had a strong face on for
people outside her family!. also,
she always cared for her brother,
charles wallace, and never gave up
when he needed help!.

she was my role model when I was
a kid, and now, she's like a childhood
friend, almost :)

hope this helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humbert Humbert from Lolita

I've just read the book a while ago, but I had to return it to the library!. I can't give any direct quotes!.

In the book, he describes himself as having wide shoulders, a strong jaw, black hair, and being really handsome!. Actually, he mentioned himself being handsome at least twice!. Sheesh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with mrs!. Edward Cullen and Dara C
Edward Cullen!. from twilight

he has pale white skin!.
brown ish hair!.
is amazingly hot!.
muscular ish!.
and he is very gentleman ish!.
and nice
and hot!.
and amazing (:
Vampire, protective, sweet, romantic, understanding, witty, compassionate, and trustworthy?

Dont forget drop dead gorgeous girls:)
I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Predjudice!. I loved her character because she was so head stong and strong willed and wouldn't settle for anything less than love!. She followed her heart but still had a good head on her shoulders and she ended up happy in the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Cullen from Twilight - my dream man!.

Golden blonde hair!.
White cold marble skin!.

Vampire, protective, sweet, romantic, understanding, witty, compassionate, and trustworthy?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Cullen!. from twilight

he has pale white skin!.
brown ish hair!.
is amazingly hot!.
muscular ish!.

and he is very gentleman ish!.
and nice
and hot!.
and amazing (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Vampire Loui or The Vampire Lestat of the Vampire Chronicles written by Anne Rice!.

They made a movie called Interview With The Vampire if you know the movie you know there personality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stu Redman from The Stand by Stephen King!. Very sexy in my imagination! Gary Sinus plays him in the film and thats exactly how I imagined him to be!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Farm Boy/Westly"from the princess bride!.!.!.!.he was HOT! and strong willed!.!.!. Cause he never gave up on the one he loved!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com