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Question: Story ideas!.!.!.see details!?
i want to write a story, but idk what for!. preferably in the romance sections!.!.!.teens!.!.!.that sort of thing!. this is not a book kind of thing, just a story!. any ideas!? please!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I sort of agree with the whole no-vampire-love-story suggestion!. What are you writing for!? Because you want to write a story, or because you are serious about writing something that other people would read, whether it turns into book-matieral or not!?

There are plenty of teens like you who would eat up another vampire-romance, whether it was original or not!. So, if you are writing this story for yourself or for your friends, go ahead!. Write about vampires!. I'll never read it!.

Most teen romances are pretty basic!. You could do a nerdy girl with a jock (I figure you're not a guy, so nerdy guy with a popular girl is not what you're wanting to do, I suppose!.), and all that jaz!. Girl in love over the Internet to someone that she doesn't know (Lots of IM conversations are easy to make up, as long as you actually make it look real!.), girl in love then the guy moves away!.

However you're love story works out, there has to be a major problem!. Cheating (guy's side or girl), maybe one of the two is only going out with the other to give other people a certain impression, parents upset, abusive boyfriend!. Maybe the guy can be new and the girl can start liking him, then figure out that he's her cousin or something hilarious-ish!.

You do whatever you want, just have a blast with it, and good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do NOT write about vampires! So many people are writing them now due to the Twilight Saga!. Publishers and agents won't even look at a story if it has modern vampires in it right now!.

I advise you to write about something you wish would happen to you, in a romance kind of way!. Lol sorry, I just wrote you a suggestion right here but then I deleted it because I liked the idea!. Sorry!.
Maybe you have daydreamed about something!? Or you've had a dream!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i luv romance!. especially VAMPIRE romances!!
where either a vampire falls in love with a human, vampire hunter loves a vampire, etc!! xDWww@QuestionHome@Com