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Question: How does this idea sound!?
If it's ok, I'll work it into a book!. If not, then a short story perhaps!.
It's titled, "Pirates" for now!.

Millie Rose's town is pillaged by pirates!. She was at the governers house when it happend!. (The governers son Christian is courting her!.)

The pirates take her pearl necklace (Which belongs to her dead mother!.) so she follows them aboard the ship!.

There she falls in love with this pirate named Will!. But after many attempts on her life he takes her back to land and leaves her, claiming he doesn't love her anymore!.

Millie is distraught and joins another pirate ship, and then 2 months later meets Will again and is forced to fight him!.

He kidnaps her and says that he loves her, and that he always had!.

Then I'll incorpurate something about looking for treasure or something, that was just a very rough outline!.

What do you think!?
Thanks!. (Critisism and advice incouraged!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Interesting start!. Does Millie Rose dress like a man to stay on board these ships!? Pirate codes generally barred women from their ships!. Historically, as a woman aboard a pirate ship in the 18th century, she more than likely would have been raped and/or killed unless she was undercover as a male!. Not that there aren't a few examples of women pirates from that time (Anne Bonny & Mary Read primarily) but they were tough as nails and led their lives disguised as males!. A far cry from a lovelorn lady on a quest for a prized possession!.

Of course, if you're playing fast and loose with history none of that matters!. It's just something to think about!.

Or, for fun, you could do a role reversal where her chase after her prized necklace leads her to becoming a pirate captain!. And Will, though a typical man of the era, fills the role of the lovelorn "damsel!." Even approaching this angle seriously it would also open up opportunities for some great humor in the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you asked for it, it is not very original at all!. It is just like a Danielle Steele book, same plot, just switch the names and occupations/locations!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like a Pirates of the Caribbean knockoff!.
Sorry, that was harsh!. Try incorporating something different into it, like different names (Will= William Turner= NOT GOOD)!.
Hope I helped!!
-Telepathetic OutWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it sounds like a good idea and would make a good book or short story if well written!. It could be hard though to write a full book because you dont have that many details yet but its worth a shot! Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's okay, but it sounds a little like Pirates of the Caribbean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but it's very boring!.
You need something more!.
I'd read it though :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it sounds good so far!. Once you get started more ideas will come!. I would suggest try joining a writing community!. I've been using chapteread!.com and really like it!. I've posted some of my work and received great ideas and feedback!. I really like the posting features (post for critique / review - friends, fans etc!.) and that you get your own writing area!. Pretty cool!. You should check it out!.

One more thing - you could spice up your story with some private talk!. try this site: http://www!.yarr!.org!.uk/talk/

Good luck matey! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com