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Position:Home>Books & Authors> OMG OMG. What is the name of that children's book???

Question: OMG OMG!. What is the name of that children's book!?!?!?
There's like a witch teacher & she takes a break and then a nice teacher comes in and replaces her for a little while!. Or vice-versa! And then she comes back in the end (the nice teacher) and all the kids are happy she returned!.

But the catch is that the two teachers were the same person or something!? Because the students followed the witch home one day and she lived in the same house as the nice teacher!? I hope someone knows or has an idea of what I'm talking about!. I'm boutta go crazy man!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Miss nelson is missingWww@QuestionHome@Com