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Question: My Sisters Keeper By: Jodi Picoult =]!?
What did you think of it!?
i just finished reading it a couple days ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I read it a few months ago!. It was such a beautiful story! Jodi Picoult is so talented!. I loved the book!. It was a little sad though!. Especially how Kate had leukemia and stuff!. I love how Anna's character was so understandable!. lol! The court case was my favorite part! Did you feel a little bad for Kate though!?!? I found myself pitying her!. Currently I'm reading The Pact!. I'm on page 206 and I find it so cute and sad! You should read it!. Read all her books! The next one I'm planning to read is Change of Heart! Enjoy reading :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read it a few months back, and I finally understand why the author said her son was made at her for how it ended!.!.!.

I have searched high and low for such a book and I had finally got it out of the library, I started it that day and finished it the next!.It left me hopeful, and helpless!. I won't say any particulars about it for those peeping here and never read it, but it was emotionally packed- classic Picoult!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it was such an amazing book!. I'm not a weepy person who cries at books and movies, but I actually cried when Brian found out that Anna was in the car accident!. The irony of the whole book is so well written! Jodi is an amazing author and I can't wait for the movie!Www@QuestionHome@Com