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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Did The Road by Cormac McCarthy give anyone else here a headache?

Question: Did The Road by Cormac McCarthy give anyone else here a headache!?
I can't stand the way it's written, especially all of those fragments!. "The boy wants!. To go!. To the Lake!." Ok, maybe it wasn't THAT bad, but it was still pretty bad!. I thought it was a BAD thing for a writer to unnecesarily draw attention to the prose, that it should be smooth and suave to the point of invisibility!?

No Country For Old Men wasn't too bad, but it truly amazes me that The Road won a Pulitzer!.

For those who read it, what are your thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
People either like his style or hate it!. I don't mind it, although I agree that "The Road" probably didn't deserve a Pulitzer!.

I'm not sure that I agree that prose need be "smooth and suave to the point of invisibility!." If it's done in an aesthetically pleasing way, there's no reason that an unusual style should be called a bad thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What I don't get is how some books win awards just for being plain weird!.
Like there's this one book, called like "Purple Eyes" or something!. It was on required reading when I was in seventh grade (2 yrs ago)!. Anyways, it was about this girl who had a baby then killed it!. And it was written liek this:
A bird
it flew
my head
as I saw
you struggle for
for breath!.

It was so hard to read, it sounded like it was being narrated by a stuttering, crazy seventy year old!.

lol!.!.!. yes fragmenting is only 'got away with' when the masses give you a thumbs up!.!.!. similar to how e!. e!. cummings got away with using no capitals!. It is more difficult to write correctly, something which all true writers strive to do, even if they don't admit it!. However, once in awhile, a glaringly obvious piece which needs much correction slips through and suddenly everyone 'loves' it!. Ah well!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Didn't you think The Road was like a Greek tragedy with strophe and anti-strophe!. It was if Society were a character in the story!. I felt the cadence of feet hitting the road!. Maybe your brain matched the resonance of the road!. It was sad, particularly the baby barbeque!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to admit, I sometimes find McCarthy tedious!. His style is almost too sparse; he makes Hemingway look verbose! But in the end, I absolutely loved The Road!. It was horrifying and hauntingly beautiful at times!. But I liked No Country for Old Men more!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I started it but just couldn't get into it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg yesWww@QuestionHome@Com