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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn", in Chapter Two, why is Francie "su

Question: In "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn", in Chapter Two, why is Francie "supposed to be ashamed of her father"!?
Is it because he's an alchoholic or for some other reason!?
This ISN'T for homework btw!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I loved that book!
I haven't read it since Junior High but I know I still own it!.

I think the fact that he was a a dreamer was also part of the reason she was supposed to be ashamed of him!.
Instead of going out and working hard, he drinks and sings and dreams of a better life without actually doing anything about it!.

At least that's how I remember it!.

Now I want to read that book again!. Maybe I'll read it after I finish "Diatriba de amor contra un hombre sentado"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved that book too! Johnny is a great character but I think it's because he drinks & comes home drunk singing at the top of his lungs so all the neighbors know!. Sometimes the family does not have enough money for food but he can always manage to get drunk!. He has no "regular" job, only picks up singing waiter jobs here & there so his wife has to work as a janitoress & generally is considered a dreamer & a lazy bum!.

Kind of like people in the book think she should be ashamed of Sissy because she is a "fast" woman but Francie loves her & Johnny in spite of what people consider flaws!.Www@QuestionHome@Com