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Question: Change Publisher!?
'm a 14 year old writer!. I've written a book and sent the outline to a publisher who my teacher recommended me to and who I have contacted several times!. However, I've stopped writing to her to complete some serious editing!. But I've lost all contact with her after that!. She doesn't reply anymore!. I think she's been involved in a lot of activities but I'm not sure!. There's a larger publishing company who is holding a contest for young writers by July 28!. (They will publish your book) What should I do!? Stick with the old publisher or go for the new!?
(I've read somewhere that trying out for more than one publisher is not advisable)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You will not want to send your book into the contest until you've heard something back from the publisher you sent it to already!. Most publishers don't accept simultaneous submissions because it can create too much of a hassle for them to figure out if they really want your story or not!. With an agent you could submit your story to several different publishers, but as an unsolicited writer I would not recommend it!.

But how long should you wait!? If it has been more than three months since you sent your outline in and you haven't heard anything, then you may try to contact the publisher to check on your submission status!. Just ask politely if they received it and what stage it is in now, if they will tell you!. If the publisher you mailed it to doesn't accept unsolicited (without an agent) submissions, they may have just trashed your outline!. But it is good to check!.

I would be wary about the contest, though!. I have never heard of this type of contest before, or at least of legitimate ones!. I would research it thoroughly before turning it in!. What publisher is holding the contest!? And what publisher did you send your story to earlier!? If we knew these it might be easier to answer your questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You'd better not go for the new one!.It's against the law!.Www@QuestionHome@Com