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Question: What is spoken narrative and what is written narrative!?
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If you've ever watched March of the Penquins, then you've no doubt heard Morgan Freeman narrate throughout the movie!.

If you've ever read Moby Dick, then you'd know it was written in first person point of view!. In many ways this style of writing is a narrative style!.

Example from Chapter One:

Call me Ishmael!. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail !.!.!.!.

That's the difference!.

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com

Spoken narrative is either what that other guy said (someone talking) or someone in a book who is talking (in the story)!.
Like: Tony picked up the manual and looked at his DVD player!. "So," he said to himself; "I've got to put this wire here, and take the cover off this bit, strap the sheep to the input tray!.!.!." etc!. (You've read the instructions for DVD players, I presume)!?
Anyway, that's getting off the point!. The spoken narrative was wot Tony was saying, alright!?

Written narrative would be something like:
'Tony took the manual out, and studied the DVD player he'd just bought, wondering where on earth the sheep was supposed to go!. Pulling on the surgical glves, he grabbed the animal and went for it!.'

Hope that's not too surreal for you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is this some sort of high school english trick question!?

If not, a "spoken narrative" would be a story that you tell!. Think of camp fire stories!.

A written narrative is a book, or short story, or hieroglyph, etc!. It's a written story!.

A narrative is a story written/told in some sort of logical manner!. There should be a beginning, middle, and end!. If there isn't any action in the story, if it just describes something than it's a vignette!. Etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com