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Question: Adolescent and Adult Readers!?
Do you think there are more adult readers than adolescents!? If you do, then why do you think this is so!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'd say there are more adults, but when I start to think about it, it seems that the adults should read as much as adolescents!. Young people usually keep themselves busy with something else rather than books, but the ones who read grow up and keep on reading!. In my opinion, reading is an interest that keep you at it forever!. Like, if you ever fall in love with reading, you do it for the rest of your life!.
On the other hand, there are very many of adolescents who read just because they are forced to - in school, unis, etc!. But at the same time, adults, in my opinion, just have more time for reading!. Especially older people, like my grandma and her sisters - they have nothing to do so they read all day long!. So im staying with this opinion that there is equal number of adult and adolescent readers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Because there are more adults than adolescents, therefore more adult readers!. Adolescence (and childhood) takes up about a quarter of a life!. In most developed countries there are 2-3 x more adults than adolescents!. Opposite case in some developing countries!.

Because many adults were born pre-screen (at least pre-computer screen) and got their early kicks from books!.!.!. and still do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a hard one but i think there are more adolescent readers!. I think this because they have more time on their hands and whereas with adults, some have no time because of work, kids, etc!. but then maybe not alot of adolescents like to read!. They may be influenced by kids at school, saying that its not 'cool' to read which i think is stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are more adult readers: simply because alot more adult people than adolescents live in this world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
