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Position:Home>Books & Authors> If you had to describe the feeling of being cold to an alien, what words would y

Question: If you had to describe the feeling of being cold to an alien, what words would you use!?
This particular alien has a different kind of nervous system to humans!.

An aliens reading this should feel free to answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Allegations that I am extraterrestrial in origin have yet to be substantiated!. Those photos were doctored!

I'd describe cold this way:
It's like hunger that's been spread all over my skin!. The slightly painful craving usually tells me I've gone too long without a meal, but it's warmth that my skin needs to swallow!.

Being touched by something cold feels a little like being pinched!. It hurts, and it's a funny hurt!. Strange!. Not painful enough to cry, only enough to make me flinch away!.

After a while if feels like being stabbed with thousands of needles that only penetrate the first two layers of skin!. That feeling fades when the cold gets worse, into a foreboding kind of numbness!. At that point all of my extremities feel swollen, clumsy, stiff and useless, as though there's been a layer of water pumped under my skin that dulls the sensation of touch!.

So!.!.!. stinging!. numb!. pinching!. clumsy!. needles!. hungry!. prickly!.

Hope that's useful!. I apologise for the fact that none of the above descriptions are quality enough for an author!. Then again, that's your job, isn't it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com
