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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm looking for some good fantasy novels. Any suggestions?

Question: I'm looking for some good fantasy novels!. Any suggestions!?
I like David Eddings, particularly the Belgariad and the Melorian!. I LOVE Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series!.

I'm looking for anything epic, in serial form!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My most favorite genre, period, here ya go!

Shannara Series by Terry Brooks!.
This is epic fantasy (14 books) with LoTR overtones but set in a post apocalyptic world where magic has replaced technology!. The first book that was written, The Sword of Shannara, follows Shea Olmsford in his quest to recover the magical sword and use it to defeat the evil Warlock Lord!. When this book was first published it rocketed up the best sellers lists, and with good reason!. This is high fantasy at its best and a must read for anyone who loved Lord of the Rings!.

Mithgar Series by Dennis L!. McKiernan
The first book was originally written as a sequel to LoTR, but once written the Tolken family backed out the deal!. So in an attempt to save the story, McKieran rewrote it, changing a few elements, names and so forth to make it unique!. But its still an LoTR sequel and that doesn't remove its charm!. He went on to write 17 books in this series, and each was better then the last!. The battle scenes are better, the characters are portrayed with more warmth and as long as you realize the parallels are intentional, you'll enjoy these as much as LoTR!.
They have all of the ingredients of high fantasy, elves, dwarves, warrows (hobbits), orges, trolls (by other names) a group of loyal companions on a quest against evil!. I stumbled onto this series late (Hel's Crucible)!. By then his writing had greatly improved and I enjoyed the books throughly!. Purists may wish to start at the beginning and watch the story, and the writer, grow but you can start on later books and not really miss out on anything!. Fun reads!.

Dragon Riders of Pern by Anne Mcaffery
Anne Mcaffery is one of those authors whose books just leave you feeling good once you read the last page!. While a combination of Sci-fi and Fantasy (the argument continues about which one it is) they sit on my fantasy shelf!. Anyone who has ever dreamed of riding a dragon should read these!.

Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey
This is a large collection and every book in it is excellent!. The concept of being *chosen* by a companion, which is essentially a telepathic horse with amazing powers, is delightful!. Once chosen you become one of the elite heralds, protectors of the realm!. Start with Arrows of the Queen!.

Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
I've always loved her writing, even her Sci-fi books and I'm not a huge Sci-fi fan!. In this book she gives a feminist light on the Celtic era where Merlin reigned supreme by telling the story from the viewpoint of the women who played a part!. In a topic that has been done to death, somehow she manages to make it all fresh and new, and a great read!. There are more books in this series that she wrote with Diane L!. Paxton including a prequel called Forest House!.

Darkover series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
I'm not a Sci-fi fan but I still loved these and sometimes the line between sci-fi and fantasy gets blurred anyway!. This is a huge series that can be read in any order since each was written to be a stand alone novel!.
Darkover is a planet that is in a state of permanent Ice Age!. The ruling class or Comyn, possess different types of Laran which are psychic powers!. There are several unique cultures and alien races!. Great reads!.

Riftwar Saga by Raymond Feist!. Start with
Magician: Apprentice and Magician: Master
Pug, an orphan boy is apprenticed to a magician and begins a set of adventures with his friend Thomas as their world is invaded by aliens who enter through a portal!. These books were originally created as an alternate D&D world and quickly grew in popularity causing him to write a lot more books to add to the series!.

Forgotten Realms books by R!. A!. Salvatore
There is no easy way to summarize these books, the scope is just too large!. Best I can do is say they are full of adventure, elves, magic, and alternate worlds!. Once you start reading these you will find yourself hooked!.


The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever by Stephen R!. Donaldson (1 and 2)
Thomas Covenant is a leper, outcast and misunderstood his disease makes everybody treat him with fear and mistrust!. As a result he lives alone, shunning all human contact as much as possible!. When he is suddenly transported to a world where he is healthy, where health is a very tangible force, he refuses to believe, afraid that if he does he'll cease to focus on the rituals that keep him alive!. This series had a profound effect on me!. The angst of Thomas Covenant, the force with which he refused to believe what was happening to him, the tragic events that have shaped his life were all heart wrenching!. The first 6 books definitely changed how I looked at things, both inside and outside of myself!. (Note I don't care for the new ones written recently, long after the first 2 sets, but thats me!.)

Bone Doll's Twin, Hidden Warrior, Oracle's Queen (Tamir Trilogy) by Lynn Flewelling
In this story the boy twin is killed at birth and its body imprinted onto the girl twin in order that one day the girl could rule the kingdom (prophecy involved)!. Something goes wrong and the boy twin ends up haunting his sister (who doesn't even know she is a girl)!. This book is a really well crafted mix of ghost story (plenty of those), coming of age, with a twist and traditional fantasy with magic, warriors, witches and of course a well hated villain or 2!.

A Song of Ice and Fire Series (4 in print, 3 planned) by George R!. R!. Martin
A ruthless story about a ruthless world where harsh winter like conditions make for harsh and gritty characters!. This series has all the typical elements of sword and sorcery; wars, prophecy, dragons (later in the series), invading creatures from another land, treason, betrayal, love, death and loyality!. Martin tells this tale from the viewpoint of many different characters, each bringing a unique perspective on the unforgiving land in which they live!. This series is rift with sex and violence and I do not recommend for younger teens!.

Kushiel Series by Jacqueline Carey
If you want something completely different but with a definite adult theme try these!. I recommend them highly for open minded adults!. The world centers on a religion that honors sex and love in all its forms from sensual to masochistic!. But its not a trash novel, the subject matter is handled in a very mature and reverent way!. The story follows Phèdre as first a child in the "Night Court" to her training as a spy and on to her adventures both at home and across the lands!. There is a touching love story, high adventure, political intrigue, and a complex world to enjoy!. This series is on my favorites list!.

The Sword of Truth, written by Terry Goodkind
Set in a medieval type world, Richard Cypher, a woods guide, lends a hand to a stranger who is searching for a nameless Wizard who disappeared many years ago!. Along the way Richard is challenged in every way possible, physically, mentally and emotionally!. This series showcases the virtue of remaining true to yourself and your morals, regardless of what life throws at you!. The author himself says he wrote this series with adults in mind because of the focus on philosophical themesWww@QuestionHome@Com

There's a fantastic book called "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss!. It's the first in a trilogy, and I can't wait until the second book comes out!. It's respectable high fantasy, not any of this Twilight garbage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Raven's Song" by Leah Laflamme


Lord of the Rings
Eragon and Eldest (Brisinger (coming soon)
The Wind on Fire Trilogy (The Windsinger, Slaves of the Mastery, and Firesong)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer
Blue Bloods by Melissa De La CruzWww@QuestionHome@Com


The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkin
The Mists of Avalon by BradelyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I liked Tithe by Holly Black!. And the Looking Glass Wars!. There Young Adult books!. But they are awesome!Www@QuestionHome@Com

M!.B!. Weston's A PROPHECY FORGOTTEN is an excellent new fantasy series (the sequel is due out shortly, and A PROPHECY FORGOTTEN is being made into a graphic novel) and I'm sure you will like it!. Here is the review I wrote for Amazon:

M!. B!. Weston's A Prophecy Forgotten (Book One of The Elysian Chronicles) is an outstanding first novel in what is bound to be a significant book series!. Though technically a Young Adult book, A Prophecy Forgotten is Young Adult the way the Harry Potter series is - people of all ages will love it!. The action starts in a mystical place called Heaven's Realm, where the Cherubians (the good guys, for the most part) are locked in a war with the Mornachts (the bad guys)!.

The story stretches all the way to earth, where a novice Cherubian soldier named Gabriella watches over a troubled young boy named Tommy!. Tommy is the subject of the forgotten prophecy for which the book is named!. Unaware of his epic destiny, Tommy is kept plenty busy by the break-up of his parents' marriage and problems at school!. While Gabriella does her best to protect him from bullies and wandering Mornachts, a Cherubian Special Forces officer named Davian is trying to learn just what role Tommy will play in saving Heaven's Realm!. Davian leads a hand-picked team of Cherubian soldiers deep into Morvenia, the land of the Mornachts, not knowing that the real threat is back in his home country, Elysia!.

M!.B!. Weston has created a fantastic world filled with prescient unicorns, hyperactive sprites, supposedly neutral gnomes, wolves, Sabers (saber-toothed tigers), dragons, and a Minotaur or two!. Even so, this is no fantasy realm: There are rules here!. The Cherubians can fly, but they are susceptible to poisonwood arrows fired by the Mornachts!. When a Mornacht is killed in battle it explodes, posing all sorts of difficulties for covert operators like Davian!. A set of books called The Runes is believed by some Cherubians to hold the answer to their difficulties, but others scoff at this ancient wisdom!. And on earth, Gabriella tries to steer Tommy away from making the wrong choices, choices which will make him susceptible to the Mornachts!.

M!.B!. Weston is an exciting new voice with a limitless imagination and a wonderful sense of humor!. If the rest of this series is only half as good as A Prophecy Forgotten, it will be a major success!.

Vincent H!. O'Neil
MURDER IN EXILE (St!. Martin's Press 2006)
REDUCED CIRCUMSTANCES (St!. Martin's Press 2007)
EXILE TRUST (St!. Martin's Press 2008)Www@QuestionHome@Com