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Question: Question (Obviously)!?
I want to write a book!. The thing is, I have no ideas!. (Not usually the case!.) However, this isn't what my question is about, I'll come up with my own ideas!.

My question is that I have two names, William and Millie, stuck in my head!. I know I want at least some of my book to be a romance, and these names I fell in love with, they are going to be the main characters!.

I was wondering if it is unusual to come up with just the names of the 2 main characters before eveything else!? Even a plot!?

also, does Vampirates sound like a totally gay topic!?
Be honest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, a topic is only 'totally gay' if you are writing a novel about solely homosexual individuals!. Otherwise, that's a prejudiced statement, though I trust you didn't intend it to be so!.

As far as vampire pirates, heck, I don't know!. It depends on the execution!. Both are in-fashion right now, so only a truly unique twist on it will make it stand out!. Start looking for twists for the plot!.

That aside, nothing wrong with coming up with names first!. Some names stick in the head for good reasons: Sherlock Holmes, Ethan Frome (though the book isn't that hot), Antonia Shimerda, et cetera--all of those names had to be moments of spontaneous creation!.

My concern with William and Millie, though, is that they are too similar in sound and will confuse the reader!. You wouldn't write a book with 'Johnny' and 'Bonnie' or with 'Sam' and 'Sal' for similar reasons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The bare bones of a book come from many places, music, art, reality, even just two names!. The hard part now is to develop, develop, develop!. You need to get to know these characters!. Really understand who they are (like Persi says) let them become your best friends!. You do need a plot (that is important) but if you really understand your characters putting them in modern New York on throwing them back to Medieval times won't really matter!. I think vampires have been really overdone lately but I haven't seen anything about Vampirates so go ahead and give it a go!.

Good luck!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think it's unusual to come up with names first, at least you know something for sure!. vampirates doesn't sound too bad!. i love vampire fiction, and I've read a novel about a werewolf super model, i mean you gotta come up wit something different a new spin, cause vampires have been done to death!. and i love all the upgrades during the years to change up the classic story!. go for it!.sounds cool!. make it as logical as fiction can be,lol!. so we can follow the story i love it when you know its fake but it still makes so much sense it gets you thinking,maybe!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vampirates as a topic has been done!. I work at a Barnes and Noble and can say for a fact that I have seen them in the kids' fiction section!.!.!.!. just so you know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I don't think thats unusual!.
No that doesn't sound gay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com