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Question: Is There a Twilight Party Here!? How do I pre-order!?
I'm going on vacation to NC 2 days before the twilight party!. I intend to find a release party and attend, but the only books store I could find was this: 1800 Four Seasons Blvd # 20, Hendersonville, NC

Do you think that they have a party at that store!?

also, how do I pre-order from miami to pick it up at the party in NC!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Borders: http://www!.bordersmedia!.com/meyer/
midnight release, 9:30 pm!. trivia/debates/contests

Barnes and Noble: http://www!.barnesandnobleinc!.com/stores/!.!.!.
midnight release, 10 pm (i believe)!. prom theme

If you're looking at a small chain bookstore besides these two, you might to have call them!.

To pre-order the book, all you have to do is call the store you will be going to NC and say I would like to "reserve breaking dawn" they will take your name and phone #!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You didn't mention the name of the bookstore!. Google the name and see if they have a website with contact information!. If not, see if you can find a phone number using an online telephone directory!. It's your best bet to find out if they are having a Breaking Dawn release party and also to find out how to preorder (maybe you can do it over the phone and they'll hold the book for you)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

do you mean twilight as in the book twilight !? lol!. i think so but i never heard of a twilight party and im a big fan! sorry if this is completly irreavlant !.!. =] x twilight4everWww@QuestionHome@Com