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Position:Home>Books & Authors> A modern/contemporary fantasy WITHOUT vampires? would it be popular or no?

Question: A modern/contemporary fantasy WITHOUT vampires!? would it be popular or no!?
Because technically, Vampires are fairly new legends aren't they!?

Count Vlad or whatever the Impaler!? Medieval history!? Much more recent than things like werewolves, shape-shifters in general, witches etc!?

Would a book that has mythical creatures except vampires still be popular in todays time you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, Harry Potter worked didn't it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Vampires are fairly new legends!.!.!.!.!."

Are you SURE they are!?

And yes, any book would definitely be popular with or without vampires, as long as it's "well-written", not like the "other" OVERRATED books out there!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My vampi's has an addiction to chocolate, so whatever floats your boat!.!.!.er!.!.!.book!

I would go for it! :0)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they would be!. Depending on how they were written!.
People are always going to be interested in the supernatural!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Of course, as popular as they always were, since books became more accessible, but particularly magazines and newspapers that serialized lengthy stories!. Everyone is fascinated by that which is more primal, recognizable in some way still!.

Vampires are as recent as pop books, just as are werewolves and the myths!. Looking deeply into myths is a great way to acknowledge original work when books, newspapers, etc!. got going!. Somebody began an oral history someone else later wrote down, and we have stories!.

Shape-shifters aren't really all that well-known nor should they be!. Of all supernatural stories, that's one that hit close to home!. But they aren't really known by those who think they do know!. I know nothing!. I wouldn't presume to write about those people who do that!. It is trouble, and not so much outside of very closed family circles if there is a shape-shifter!.!.!. until pop books got hold, like Hillerman!. Anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com