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Position:Home>Books & Authors> SPOILER!!! What will happen in the Final Book of the Twilight series??SPOILER!!!

Question: SPOILER!!! What will happen in the Final Book of the Twilight series!?!?SPOILER!!!!?
Ok!. So we know Bella and Edward are going to be married!. And we know that SOMETHING has GOT to happen to disrupt this wedding!.
1 who all is Edward inviting, vampire-wise!?!?
2 If any other vampires BESIDE the Cullen's will be there, what about the werewolves!?!?!?!?
3 What will happen if Jacob betrays Bella and tells Charlie or Renee or both or EVERYONE in Forks about the Cullen's being vampires!?!?!?
4 What do YOU think will go wrong in Breaking Dawn!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1i think he is only inviting his family vampire-wise but you know alice will have the entire town there lol!.
***breaking dawn first chapter spoiler***
2I don't think any werewolves will be there except maybe seth Because he is friends with edward, they even talk on the phone!.***spoiler over***
3he wouldn't do that, because first of all he loves bella so he wouldn't do that, (i don't think) buut also i think it would be betraying th treaty if he did, because he technically hasn't done anything, but if he did they would have to flee very possibly leaving bella behind in forks(that would be so sad! but to muck like tuck everlasting, because it already is)
4 i think so much could and might go wrong,
-the volturri will show up or
-jacobs crew follows them to stop him from changing bella
- edward leaves her again
-jacob imprints on bella(im team edward)
-jacob or edward die
-bella doesn't become a vampire
-edward kills bella(long shot, he wouldn't do that)
-edward falls out of love with bella after shes a vampire(also long shot)

>im so excited<3

>TEAM EDWARD sexier then you since 1901 rofl<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's what's REALLY going to happen:

1) Jacob comes back and eats Edward

2) Bella is so angry (and unhealthily attatched to Eddie) that she kills herself

3) Charlie is so sad that he tries to murder Carlisle!. Carlisle kills Charlie!.

4) The werewolves kill the vampires

5) The Volturi kill the werewolves

6) Peace is restored to life once againWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that Jacob will somehow come between Edward & Bella (again) in Breaking Dawn but that they will still be together in the end & Bella probably will get turned into a vampire although I heard something about them finding a "cure" for their vampirism!. I dunno if its true or not though!. Maybe Jacob will finally die & leave Bella alone, but I doubt I'm that lucky!.!.!.sigh!.!. (I'm obviously team Edward)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


They all decide that since its Bella causing all the trouble and since they cant really find a reason to keep her around, they are going to kill her french revolution style using a guillotine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally think that she might die and then Edward*sigh* and JAcob*grumble* will kill themselves too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone dies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stop asking this, seriously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought Bella was going to die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, this has been asked about a million times!. Please research your question next time! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe bella will die cause i was reading an article and it said that u wouldnt want to be bella in this bookWww@QuestionHome@Com