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Question: I heard this name in a movie!?
In the Phantom of the Opera, Christine mentioned something about Little Lottie!. Now, either that is a nic name for Christine (though I thought it was short for Charlott) or it's a whole different person!. I'm guessing if that's it, it's a literary character!.

Which is it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Christine's father used to tell her and Raoul, when they were small children, about Little Lottie, a character who was offered all sorts of things children love but whose favourite thing of all was when, late at night, the Angel of Music would sing songs to her!. Christine's father told her that when he went to heaven, he would send the Angel of Music down to her, which is why she believes the Phantom to be the Angel!.

The story of Little Lottie partly mirrors Christine's story, which is why Raoul calls her Little Lottie!. The inference drawn from the story is that Christine, too, would prefer to have the Angel of Music sing to her than any worldly goods she could be offered!.

The lyrics are:

Little Lotte let her mind wander!.
Little Lotte thought: Am I fonder of dolls or of goblins!?
Of shoes, or of riddles or frocks!?
Those picnics in the attic or of chocolates!?
Father playing the violin
As we read to each other dark stories of the North!?
No - what I love best, Lotte said,
is when I'm asleep in my bed
and the Angel of Music sings songs in my head!'
The Angel of Music sings songs in my head!'

Father said, 'When I'm in heaven, child
I will send the Angel of Music to you'!.

I hope that was helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Little Lotte is Raoul's nickname for Christine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com