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Question: How do you start writing your stories!?!?!?!?
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Really, just start writing your ideas down!. Even if it is not complete, start writing it and if you get into it, the rest will come to you!. I started story with just a cool name and the thought 'demon hunter' and it is turning out great!. I have a good five chapters and quite a few compliments!. On the other hand, I have started with ideas I thought were great and lost intrest after the first section!. You never know what it will turn out to be, so just start writing a scene you have in your head, the add details later!. For instance, you can go back and add a friend for your character to add humor, or fill in details about family, a setting, etc!. and soon you will find that you have a whole storyline going!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wait until I can mentally put myself into my main character's environment!. That way when I start to write I already know where the character is and how that surrounding is affecting his mood!. Right now I'm writing a short story in which the opening scene is inside a cockpit of a twin engine airplane!. I was in the shower when I finally got everything down perfect and knew what my character was feeling, what he's thinking/seeing, and how the story would progress!. For me, it just makes it easier to start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

for example if the story is about me, i start the intro with something about me, u don't want to say everything about you b/c u want the reader to read more than just the introduction!. get the reader involved with somethings interesting, so that way he would get interested in the story!.

Hope i helped :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I start with a message which I want to convey, then i create a society, then the protagonist, from there is develops!.

I would then plan the plot, then plan it much more carfully, then plan each chapter in turn!. Then after that write each chapter knowing what i need to accomplish in each!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's hard for me to get a good idea going!. My current book that I'm writing is actually the end result of the twisting of my original idea!. I twisted and turned it about fifty times before i got a story i could end right!. For me, the ending is the hardest part!. Otherwise it'll spiral out of control and end up in some weird place!.

?Graceful Little Alice?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It really all starts with an idea!. I'll get one that I think is good, and I'll decide that I want to write about it!. Then I work out the details in my head for a few days!. If I still like it after a 1-2 week period, I'll write an outline of it!. I'll then start a rough draft in a notebook!.
Then, when I'm done with that, I'll type it up on a computer!. I'll read it over twice!. If I still like it, I'll print it out and share it on here, just to get opinions!. If the majority of people like it, I'll keep it for when I'm older and have a chance at getting published!. If it's generally hated, I'll trash it!.

I'm inspired by a single idea!.!.!.then I start to ask myself questions about that idea to help me develop a story line!.

I'm the free-writing type thereafter!.!.!.I write whatever comes out of my head!. Then I read through, edit and streamline what I've written until I'm satisfied with the story as a whole!. It takes some time for me to do this!.!.!.but I can't see myself completing a story any other way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hello! Well first I think of names and ideas!. Picking names are the most fun part for me!. Then I jot some ideas on paper!. Next, I think of background information for the characters!. It is so much fun!. I love writing stores!.

Well what I do is when I read books I see their Ideas and sometimes it gives me Ideas, I usaully try to start with something interesting and do it from there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Grab pen and paper, or computer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com