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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How do I approach the idea of writing an autobiography & publishing it in foreig

Question: How do I approach the idea of writing an autobiography & publishing it in foreign countries!?
& also publish it under a pen name!? What about getting it translated into other languages!? I live here in the US, & I want to publish an autobiography, but not here in the US!. I'd rather publish it in a foreign country under a fictitious name!. I've been through a lot of trauma & abuse in my life, & even if I write fictitious character names & publish it here in the states, I'm afraid that I'm still going to have confusion with people trying to sue me, & stuff!. I'm telling the honest truth about the abuse I went through, but of course people are gonna lie their way out of what they did to prevent themselves from getting into trouble!.

I know absoulutely NOTHING about the publishing companies & the law!. I don't know where to start!. What are your suggestions!? Even if I publish it in a foreign country, it'll still have false names, places, etc!. But the events will be REAL!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you are a bit ahead of yourself!. First write the autobiography!. Then worry about its publication!. Getting published is hard no matter the country you want to try to get published in or where you are from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com