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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Which is your favorite Terry Pratchet book?

Question: Which is your favorite Terry Pratchet book!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love love love Monstrous Regiment!.!.!. It was his first I read besides The Wee Free Men (which I also adore) and I reread it all the time!. I think I just love the characters!. Polly has always stood out to me and Jackrum is just amazing!.
It's still a very hard decision, though, because I love all of his books! I do tend to have certain sections I love more, however!. My favorites are the books about the Watch and Death and I tend not to like as much the ones about the witches and especiallly Rincewind!. My top five favorites would have to be:
1!. Monstrous Regiment
2!. Night Watch
3!. Going Postal
4!. The Wee Free Men
5!. Reaper Man

Agh choosing that list was agonizing!. I have this little voice in my head popping up and going "Oh, but what about Hogfather!? And Guards! Guards!!? And every single other book Pratchett's ever written!?"

Yeah, I'm a bit obsessed :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I really love all of his books and have read them all but my favorite would have to be The Truth!. I love all the word play and the various characters in here are funny like the dwarfs and Otto the vampire photographer!. It's just too good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm hard question!. They were all so great!
Reaper Man maybe!.!.!. It was just so hilarious(as are all his other books) but that one really seemed to move me!.
But all of them are so amazing and hilarious!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com