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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has any scenes in a book *stuck with you forever*?

Question: Has any scenes in a book *stuck with you forever*!?
like its been really inspirational and caused u to think about it!. this is mine from A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby (anyone read that!?) anyway, its like, the last paragraph i think!. id check but i dont own the book!.!.

well the story was about how these 4 (!?) people all were depressed and wanted to commit sucicide and stuff!. and how they got through it together!. but yeah, not the point, at the end they were looking out from the top of this building, kinda reflecting on their lives i guess, and one character is like (just pointing this out casually) "hey, u cant see that the London eye is moving from here can u!?" but they knew it was!.!.!.

BUT it sounded ALOT better than that!! but what its kinda saying is that they couldnt see the London Eye moving, but they knew it was!. just like they didnt KNOW their lives were changeing (for the better), they couldnt FEEL it, but they WERE!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is a scene in Less Than Zero where Clay walks into his dealer's room and they've got a young girl tied to the bed and are serial raping her, and when he watches Julian prostitute himself to the business man, and his friends become obsessed with a dead body in an alley and they are in someone's living room watching a snuff film!.!.!.!. Anyway, all these events happen in quick succession at the end of the book, it makes you feel as though you are actually spiraling downward, but sometime in there, right before the Julian incident I think, Clay says: "I want to see how bad things can get!." Something along those lines!.

It's always just been this powerful series of images to me!. Random stuff I see will make me think of it!. It's one of the best books I've ever read (The best debut novel I've ever read!.), yet it's pretty hopeless!. You aren't left with a feeling that things are going to get better!. Maybe Clay will be okay, but everything is just going to keep getting worse like it did in the last third of the book!. That's very realistic, you know!? I've never forgotten it!. I read that when I was 17, it kind of shattered my world view!.

I have the book title tattooed on my forearm now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"One hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez:
The very first sentence is the best peace of fiction ever published!. I can never forget this sentence and the scene it describes!. Unfortunately I don′t have an English translation, only German or the Spanish original!. So you will have to look it up yourself ;)

"A long way down" is good, too!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Shopaholic and baby by Sophie Kinsella!. It doesnt have any deep meanings like yours but it was funny!. She was pregnant and she wanted to know the sex of her baby!. She operated the scan alone when she nurse was out!. She say something and started crying and crying thinking it was a boy!. But she was actually scanning a part of her bladder!.

It sounds really hilarious in the book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When Lesley almost jumps out of a window but Irial talks her out of it!.

It was weird you could FEEL her depression and how much she wanted her life to end!.!.!.it was strange to me because I always could never imagine being so desperate to kill yourself but this part made me say "Oh!. I guess that sorta makes sense"

Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr!.

Wasn't a bad book!. Kinda boring at points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The lamp post growing from the dirt in C!.S!. Lewis' The Magician's Nephew!.

The scene in the Whomping Willow in J!.K!. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!.

Estella and Pip's final convesation in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1984 by George Orwell!. The scene when he's interrogated by O'Brien and he is forced to agree that there are 5 fingers, not 4!. It just shocked me!. I always remember it for some reason!.


The very end of "Midnight's Children", where Saleem gives his speech as he is disintegrating into the crowd!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the scene in Dune (by Frank Herbert) where the Bene Gesserit test Paul!. It is eerie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Magic Kingdom for Sale-Sold by Terry Brooks is actually the reason I love to read as much as I do!.
It's about a lawyer who buys the kingship of a magical kingdom!. He spends the whole book trying to get this place back together with a functioning government and the whole way he is blocked by the fact that he can't command the King's Magical Protector the Paladin!.
At the end he has been challenged by a Demon for the throne and he's standing there as it comes for him when he figures out that no one will show up to save him unless it is him!. And across the clearing they're in the Paladin appears in a flash of light and he finds himself becoming the Paladin, sort of lending his soul to the fighter while the rest of him stands in the place of the King!.
It's a great scene!. I love it every time I reread it!.
There's no one there to help you if you do not help yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com