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Position:Home>Books & Authors> The Magician- what are the names of the swords?

Question: The Magician- what are the names of the swords!?
Well I was reading the Magican, there is a part when Josh gets a sword (I forget what its called but starts with a C) and it is a fire sword that in legend killed king author!. Its counter part is excalibur witch is a sword of ice!. Thats all I know

What I am realy wondering is Nicholas Felemel says that there are four swords!. Could someone please tell me their names and elements!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
excalibur, joyeuse,mistelteinn, curtana, duremdal, and teyrfing

look on page 204 at the top i know he said four but thats what it says in the book!. maybe clarent use to be called curtana

bu the sword he gave josh is clarent = sword of fire which is excaliburs= sword of ice twinWww@QuestionHome@Com