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Question: Novel writing,!?
i really enjoy writing short storys in my spare time, i let my friend read them and she said they are really gripping but i have trouble getting past the first page can some1 help me and let me know how to get started!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It sounds like you are so used to the idea of writing a small, contained story that anything large may come as a shock to your system with the amount of thought and work it takes to make a novel happen!. The good news is that most people start out like this, so you have nothing to worry about! More than likely you are having one of two possible common problems!. Either there is a problem with you idea/inspiration, or you cannot find the inspiration to keep writing!. Or, it could be both!.

Just start out by taking notes on your idea, writing down everything that comes to mind!. You can do an outline if you truly wish to, but some people find these laborious and unnecessary!. Sometimes people spend more time working on the outline than the novel itself!. But once you think you have enough of your idea down, start the actual writing process!. If you cannot get much farther than the beginning, then skip ahead and write what scene you want to write right now!. Write only what feels good to you!. Then go back and connect the dots, making it an entire story instead of a line of barely-connected events!. It is between these points where you really test your talent, becoming a stronger plotter and writer as you figure out solutions to both your problems as well as your characters' problems!. The rest will come in no time, and soon you will have an entire novel to gloat over!

If you find that you get caught up or suddenly lose motivation, then reassess your goals!. Remember, you are writing for yourself, not your goals, or your deadline!. Your friends, maybe, but not to fulfill some requirement that stresses you out!. Reward yourself if you do make your goals, but don't get sad or mad if you don't!. It may be necessary to go out into the world and seek inspiration again, in whatever way that it arrives to you!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, this is about the millionth time someone has asked this question!. Think of a story line, and characters!.!.!.and then (the part that no one ever expects - always a shocker!) you WRITE THE BOOK!!!!!!! If you have a love for writing and you work on it, you'll write a great novel!Www@QuestionHome@Com