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Question: Breaking Dawn!? other twilight qs!?
For all of my fellow twilight addicts, I have a question or two!.!.
Edward or Jacob!?
Any predictions on the new book Breaking Dawn!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, something has to happen to threaten the wedding, or the transformation!. I mean, a book about wedding preparations would be extremely boring!. I think it will be Jacob trying to stop the wedding, etc!., which is played out at this point!. Hasn't every book since Twilight been about that!? I think it would be better if Meyer explored Bella's ethical dilemma in accepting transformation; however, to be honest, I don't feel Meyer has the depth to write convincingly about this for more than a page or two!.
Either way, it's time to get things really moving in this series!. So far, all the action has taken place about sub-plots, while none of the big issues has been solved!. If Meyer wants to salvage her credibility, it's time to tackle the big stuff!. Readers' interest will wane if this is yet another drawn out Edward vs!. Jacob, staying human vs!. becoming vampire musing with no resolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob all the way for me!. I always root for the under dog!. (yes you can laugh at my pun) Jacob is there for Bella w/o any alternative motive and regardless of how she has treated him!. Jacob wants the best for Bella and that is what ultimately matters!. As far as predictions go!.!.!. I really can't see Bella ending up with Edward!.!.!. Maybe she gets infected with Lycanthropy and Vampirism kind of like Anita Blake but I can't see Stephenie Meyer going in that direction!. I really hope/think she'll end up with Jacob!. That in the end would be best from everyone involved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like both Edward and Jacob for Bella, but Jacob is at a serious disadvantage!. Bella is head-over-heels for Edward, and I can't see her going for Jacob!. For some reason, I have a feeling something horrible is going to happen to Jacob, because the love triangle can't go on forever, and Meyer needs to leave us with closure in the series!. Because Jacob cares so much for Bella (it's clear he imprinted on her), something has to get him out of the story!.!.!. The Volturi problem hasn't been resolved!.!.!. maybe they'll come back to Forks!. And I believe it was Edward who said that they never really liked compromises with werewolves!.!.!. Poor Jacob!. -_- I agree with the person who said we may see from his point of view in part of the novel!. That should be exciting! Otherwise I don't think Stephenie Meyer would have done something like that at the end of the third book!.

So anyways, I do believe that Bella will become a vampire, but not at the beginning of the novel!. Something may keep Edward from biting her, a major problem, or combination of problems, like the promise they made with the werewolves!.

Well, those are my thoughts!. Which may be totally and completely wrong!. Only time will tell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward, totally!

uhm i personally am terrible at predictions but they have a TON of predictions, stories, other good stuff at fanfiction!.com/books/twilight


http://literachicks!.blogspot!.com/2008/06!.!.!. < Abi is a good one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella and Edward will get married, and he will, (maybe forced or by accident) change her!.
I also heard that Jacob will die somehow, which I don't really like, cause Jake's pretty cool, but whatever!.
Alice will have fun planning the wedding!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think we might get to hear some of the story from jacob's point of veiw and I think he is deffinitly going to try to get her I mean he imprinted her!. But bella's heart belongs to edward!. I can't even start to imagine the wedding though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


while walking down the isle Bella will trip or something like that!.!.!. something typicly bella!.!.!. haha
and then the volturi will show up again!. sometime,
and bella will be changed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Predictions: Bella will go with Jacob (NO!!!)
Bella will not become a vampire
Bella will live with Edward happily ever after (It cant be that easy can it!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

EDWARD, most def!

bella wont be a vampire!. jacob will die!. or one of the cullens will "die!." or maybe one of the wolves!.

but im sure someone dies!. lol!. :))Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Jacob comes back, but he imprints on someone else maybe Leah!.
-Edward and Bella get married!.
-Bella turns into a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

and Mike, Eric, and Tyler will crash the wedding and gang beat EdwardWww@QuestionHome@Com


OMG, stop asking this, it's so overasked!. Do u not understand that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob Black!.!.!. he cracks me up

i bet something wrong happens!.!.!.lol just a guessWww@QuestionHome@Com