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Question: How can i make myself look good if i'm wanting to publish my first novel!?
I heard that if you want to sell a book, you're going to have to send them your experiences!. I'm really interested in publishing a fiction novel i'm working on, and i'm merely 16 years old!. What kinds of things should i get myself into in order to make myself look good if i'm wanting to get my book published!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I must start by saying you are rather young - BUT, sometimes young authors do manage to get published!.

In general, a writer needs to have some experience of life before being able to write authentically!. If your only experience is gained from TV, films, or fiction, then your writing will be regurgitated!. It will be secondhand knowledge and believe me IT WILL SHOW!.

However, there are no rules and regulations, and there are ALWAYS exceptions, but be aware that serious publishing houses might not look at a manuscript if you're TOO young!. The market is flooded with good, experienced, writers struggling to get their work accepted!. I'm afraid you'll be pitting yourself against some good authors!.

Okay let's start!. As a new author you will need to live by the maxim to be not "As Good As" your favourite published authors!. You have to be better!

The problem is, publishing houses will always go for the safe bet!. They're in it to make money, not make you famous!. They have a limited number of books they will publish each year!. If yours isn't outstanding, I'm afraid you'll not get in, they'll reach for one of their stable of established authors!.

To achieve this, you must first of all make sure your manuscript is as good as it can possibly be!.

Be absolutely certain you've tied all loose ends and make sure you've followed industry standards for presentation, if you wish, there are guidelines in my blog (see my profile)!.

Edit out ALL unnecessary pronouns and adverbs - nothing screams amateur more than overblown descriptions!. Most new writers feel they need to give full descriptions of everything in the book!. DON'T!. Sometimes what's left out says more than what's in!.!.!.!.

When you've cut, cut, and cut; when you've polished it until it glistens, write a short query letter to your chosen publisher!. Explain any experience you may have, the genre of the work, the word-count, and present a VERY short synopsis of about 100 words (see book blurbs for examples)!. Only present a full synopsis IF the publishing house asks you to submit the first three chapters!.

In terms of an agent - it's almost as difficult to gain acceptance with a reputable agent as a publishing house!. You must go through the same process!. You'll find lists of reputable agents and publishers in several trade oriented books such as Writers and Artist's Yearbook!.

In terms of emails, it's okay to contact them via email, but NEVER add an attachment, the computer filters will dump it thinking it virus!. If the publisher requests email attachment, then they'll clear your name for it first!.

If you can take time out to write a few short stories or articles and get them accepted in some minor magazine, it will add to your credentials!. Join a writers circle such as http://www!.mywriterscircle!.com/ to see what other professionals think of your work - it's free and helpful!.

Good luck with your project!. I wish you well!.

Anthony James Barnett - authorWww@QuestionHome@Com

The woman who wrote the Harry Potter series did it on a typewriter and was on welfare!. Just have a good story and send it to everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the story is well written and entertaining it won't matter what it looks like!. Just make sure it is neat enough to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com