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Question: How do I publish!.!.!.!?
A book of poetry!? Its short about thirty poems and I don't have any clue how to publish it!. I want it published for real, like book form in stores and stuff not just online!. Anyone know how I could meet with a publisher or something to see if they like my book!? Or know an internet site where they have info or something!? I've worked really hard on them for a very long time!.

Thank you so much!.

By the way I also need some editing help I don't exactly have the best punctuation but the people who have read the poems seem to like them (because the are good, not for the editing)!.

Thanks againWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nowadays it has become very hard to publish books of poetry, for many reasons!. But that does not mean you can't get your book published!. You might want to seek out an agent that accepts poetry submissions!. Many don't, but there is always a chance that one will!. You can look on the Preditors and Editors site (http://anotherealm!.com/prededitors/) for agents, publishers, etc!. They try to post whether or not they recommend that agent or publisher on there so that people know whether or not they are trustworthy!. In the meantime, you can try publishing a few of your poems through a literary magazine!. That way, if someone high up likes your poems you might have a chance to publish through them!. Plus, you will be building credentials to later mention if you are ever in a position to try to obtain an agent!. The entire process may be very hard, but not impossible!. I believe in you! It makes me sad that fewer and fewer poems are being published every year!. Poetry will die out if we don't foster the poets we have living among us today!. As for the editing and punctuation, that can easily be fixed with some practice, and besides, it's all up for interpretation how you want to do your poem!. Grammatical rules are not as absolute as many of us like to think!. Good luck on your publishing ventures!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A book of poetry!? Its short about thirty poems and I don't have any clue how to publilish it!. I want it published for real, like book from in stories and stuff not just online!. Anyone know how I could meet with a publisher or someting to see if they like my book!? Or know an internet site where they have info or something!? I've worked really hard on them for a very long time!.

thank you so muchWww@QuestionHome@Com