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Question: Starting a Book Club!. I have a few questions!.!.!. !?
I plan on starting a book club for the new school year!. I'm planning on meeting once a month for one book!. It will be both male anf females, 9th grade and up!. (I'm in 11th grade!.)

My questions are:

Do you have any ideas for good book to read!? (Not to much sexuality please!) I would like to try and get a verity of genres!.

What type of discussion do you think is best!? Read off questions from a discussion guide, make questions up, or a little of both!?

Any other advice!?

Some of the books I was considering are A Norhtern Light by Jennifer Donnelly or Ten Cents A Dance by Christine Fletcher, maybe something by Neil Gaiman (he's one of my favorite authors, maybe Neverwhere), The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chboksy or Impulse by Ellen Hopkins, 13 Little Blue Envelops or Gilr At Sea by Maureen Johnson, maybe read a play by somebody, something by Stephen King, maybe a mystery (something by Agatha Christie perhaps)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why don't you start the book club then ask the members what they want to read!? Or take a vote or something!?

Discussion guides are great if you've got a lot of time on your hands!. Do a little of both!. Make some of the questions sort of humorous though or your members will fall asleep!.

Read some classics! Maybe "Pride and Prejudice" if it's all girls, or if it's co-ed, maybe "Narnia" or something!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I recommend "The Life of Pi" and "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the NIghttime" They're fairly easy reads and very entertaining, but leave a lot open to interperatation (especially Life of Pi)!. They're good reads and good for discussion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

go ahead it would be fun starting a book club!.

all those books you have mentioned are good, so go ahead and push through :)

as for your questions, a good book is something the reader would appreciate :) just like that :) and yes any genres would do well provided you as readers could relate to it!.

as for discussions, just provide guiding questions that asks mostly for opinions of the reader!. asking the reader to write a reflection from the selection would do well, so you would know how readers react to these books :)

wish you well, hope this helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com