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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Christian response to Ishmael by Daniel Quinn?

Question: Christian response to Ishmael by Daniel Quinn!?
I've never read this book; thanks (not) to summer reading I suppose I will have to!. My high school son has it for required reading over the break!.
What I've read about it online leads me to believe it's a bunch of nonsense and almost mocking God!.
Please don't start a religious debate with me!.!.!.go elsewhere!. There are plenty of people on here who want that!.
I'm interested in getting a Christian perspective (perhaps a rebuttal) to this book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I wouldn't say that Quinn is trying to mock God!. The book does present a different tale of how the world did and should operate than the Bible does!.

It's important for you, and your son to understand that this is a secular philosophy!. It's not meant to do anything other than present a new way to think about Man's relationship to Earth and nature!.

It's actually a very well written book, and the ideas are presented in a coherent, logical manner!.

There is no real Christian take on the work that I can think of, I've also never viewed it necessary!. I'd offer a Christian rebuttal, but it seems as though you already have one in mind!. :)

The best advice is to read it with an open mind!. You won't agree with some parts, but there will probably be a thing or two in there that you do like!. The world does not try to jam itself into a neat little Christian package, that's a fact that all Christians learn time and time again!. This may be a great way for your son to face that dilemma!.Www@QuestionHome@Com